Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A cookie was a Earth food typically consisting of flour, sugar, eggs and other ingredients, shaped into small discs and baked in an oven. Cookies were sweet, and were served as a snack or for dessert. They could be kept in cookie jars. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

Shannon O'Donnel had a ritual of purchasing a bag of chocolate chip cookies whenever she went back on the road to "treat herself". Her eventual husband, Henry Janeway, preferred oatmeal cookies since he was allergic to chocolate. (VOY: "11:59")

In 2259, the mess hall on the USS Enterprise served real cookies, not made in a matter synthesizer. James T. Kirk, visiting from the USS Farragut, retrieved the last one to cheer up Nyota Uhura. (SNW: "Lost in Translation")

A "tough cookie" was 20th century American slang for a person of high physical and mental strength. In a vision experienced by Benjamin Sisko in 2374, Kay Eaton used this term for the "character" of Kira Nerys from Benny Russell's story "Deep Space Nine". (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars")



Background information[]

The Girl Scouts of America ran an ad campaign which featured Girl Scouts holding boxes of cookies with the familiar tagline "Resistance is Futile". [1]

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