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Kurt Grimm was a lycanthrope and member of the Grimm family that resided in Grimmwald.[1]


Early life[]

His father Karl was a miner who opened a copper mine near the eventual site of the town, which he constructed with Kurt and his brother Kopek's help with the massive funds generated from the ore veins. Eventually, as the ore ran dry, their father began to swindle away, drinking and whoring his way into an early grave, meanwhile spending all of the family fortune trying to continue his lavish life. Before his death, he sold Grimmwald to the Hogge sisters; Kurt, angered deeply by his father's descent and the loss of the town, took Kopek and condemned the sisters beginning a life for the two as bandits, robbing and raiding on the road.

During this period, Kurt tried to keep his younger brother from seeing the horrors the men committed, such as rape or murder, though it still scarred Kopek deeply. Eventually, at a temple near Mirt, the gang assaulted a priestess, most likely of the cult of Coram Agh Tera,[N 1] who cursed them all as she killed herself. A few days later, the group were turned into therianthropes: Kurt into a werewolf, and his brother a weredog. Kopek, hurt by this process, returned to Grimmwald to become a servant for the Hogges, and Kurt began buying elixirs from the witch at Crane Meadow to control his curse.[1]

Meeting Geralt[]

At some point afterward, the witcher Geralt of Rivia was hired by the Hogges to kill Kurt, though he was not told the full true story. Kurt, after a few days of the witcher's presence, attacked him in the town and convinced him to ask the Hogges who his true identity was to them. This resulted in Geralt believing Kurt innocent, then leaving the town to find Red with her arms torn up (actually by a doppler masking as a werewolf). This, combined with Lea Hogge being killed by Kopek in her sleep, meant blame for the two incidents was placed on Kurt.

At Crane Meadow, the witch summoned Kurt, who quickly aggravated Pioter, the Hogge's servant that Kurt had attacked weeks back. After being accused of the murders, the lycanthrope transformed and grabbed Geralt by the throat, stating he had killed them both - to take pressure off, and cover for, his brother. The witch convinced him to let go and tell the truth and so the group returned to the town with Kurt. The full group met in the Hogge manor, where Kurt again attempted to cover for Kopek, which angered his brother who believed it was truly out of selfishness. As Kopek transformed and went to attack his brother, Brooke Hogge shot him through the throat. Kurt transformed and lunged at her, grabbing her by the throat, before he was stabbed through the stomach by Geralt.[1]


  1. The exact same tale happens with Nivellen from The Last Wish, who assaulted a priestess of Coram Agh Tera at a temple near Mirt, that cursed him as she killed herself.

