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"Red" (real name unknown) was a Temerian woman who lived in Grimmwald with her grandmother.[1]


At some point, the witcher Geralt of Rivia and his friend Dandelion arrived in town and got Red's attention, calling out for information about the local werewolf problem. She said her gran had been acting strangely anxious and uncertain, possibly from a curse, or stress from the Hogge sisters, the town owners who had been extremely insistent on buying her gran's only asset, the local inn. The three rode through town until she left them just before the gate to the Hogge's manor, whom Geralt wanted to gain information from.

Eventually, after a fight with the werewolf, and his belief it was not going to kill anyone, Geralt, and Dandelion, both found Red with a slashed arm in the woods, being aided by her gran. As Pioter appeared, Red told them all that the creature had attacked her and said she and her gran would need to leave town that night, after signing over the inn to the Hogges. Later, Geralt deduced her gran had died a while previous, and the reason she had been acting funny was that she was a doppler-in-disguise, attempting to steal change from the inn, and it was them, in a werewolf form, that was responsible for Red's attack. After the doppler transformed back in the sister's manor to Red's disgust, and Kopek Grimm attacked his brother Kurt, which ended in both their subsequent deaths, the town was safe from their werewolf problem and so Geralt and Dandelion left, the inn most likely passing to Red.[1]


