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Crane Meadow, titled over the namesake bird that inhabit the area, is located near Grimmwald in Temeria, and in the 13th century was home to a powerful witch who demanded no blood be spilled there.[1]


From her hut in the meadow, the witch sold Kurt Grimm, a lycanthrope, elixirs to maintain his human form, as well as wine to ease his mind, and provided him with a place to rest.

Later, the witcher Geralt of Rivia, Dandelion, and Pioter arrived at the hut, looking for Kurt due to his believed involvement in the murder of Lea Hogge. The witch summoned him and grew angry when Pioter in rage rose his crossbow at Kurt. When he shot him in the chest, the witch responded with a powerful spell, knocking the hunter to the ground. Kurt transformed and attacked Geralt, though the witch was able to convince him to calm down and tell the truth of his story. After Kurt's innocence was proved, the four returned to Grimmwald.[1]

Notable people[]


  • Witch's hut


