

Z-95 Headhunter

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"Of all the places you could've gone. Even Zeitooine—"
"Zeitooine was endless petty bickering and plotting with next to no action. At least after the first months, once we'd quieted some of the unrest. Once that was over, I didn't do anything of real significance. On the frontier there's a chance to act.
―Reath Silas and Dez Rydan[2]

Zeitooine was a jungle planet that was located in the Inner Rim and was ruled by a monarchy. During the High Republic Era, it was the site of a mission carried out by members of the Jedi Order, including Jedi Knight Dez Rydan. The mission helped manage some of the unrest the planet was experiencing, but the effect of the Jedi presence stalled over time. Centuries later, the planet was part of the Galactic Empire and was visited by Imperial defector Thane Kyrell, who hoped to buy a power cell for the light freighter Mighty Oak Apocalypse but failed because he was distracted by the arresting of a local family.


Zeitooine was a jungle planet located in the Inner Rim. Although the planet was not afflicted by a constant winter, it was relatively cold. The surface of the planet was covered by jungles of deciduous trees that became covered in hard frost and lost their leaves in the winter.[1]


High Republic[]

"Soon after reaching knighthood, Dez embraced every mission he was given by the Council, and perhaps a few that weren't. Word spread quickly throughout the Order of his exploits on Zeitooine and Christophsis"
Chronicles of the Jedi by Harli Cogra[3]

In 232 BBY,[4] during the High Republic Era, the Jedi Order carried out a mission on Zeitooine, to which Jedi Knight Dez Rydan was assigned. During his time on the planet, Rydan learned much about poisons, which were used regularly by the various houses of Zeit royalty. The knowledge he gained on the mission later allowed him to recognize the symptoms suffered by pilot Affie Hollow after she was scraped by a poisonous vine during a skirmish aboard the Amaxine Station.[2]

The Jedi mission was able to quell some of the unrest on the planet, but within a few months, Rydan and the others were no longer doing anything of significance. Instead, they spent their time dealing with plotting and bickering without any real action. Rydan eventually requested a transfer from Zeitooine to the Starlight Beacon space station, both in order to find more excitement and because he secretly feared he was in danger of giving in to his anger if he stayed any longer. After the Zeitooine mission, Rydan's former master, Jora Malli, told her new Padawan, Reath Silas, that she had helped both of her students to find balance. However, Malli noted mentally that after hearing about Rydan's exploits on Zeitooine and the planet Christophsis, she was no longer sure her statement was true.[2] The mission to Zeitooine was later mentioned in Chronicles of the Jedi, a book written by the Jedi Master Harli Cogra[3] in 229 BBY.[5]

Imperial Era[]

"When we dock at Zeitooine, we've got to pick up a better power cell."
―Thane Kyrell, speaking to Lohgarra[1]

Thane Kyrell visited Zeitooine while working aboard the Mighty Oak Apocalypse.

Zeitooine became part of the Galactic Empire at some point by seven months after the Battle of Yavin, when Thane Kyrell, a former TIE fighter pilot and deserter from the Empire, visited the planet while working as a navigator and co-pilot aboard the light freighter Mighty Oak Apocalypse. During the journey there, Kyrell noted to his captain, the Wookiee Lohgarra, that the power cell for the ship's aft sensor array could only be charged up to sixty percent of its capacity and suggested buying a better one on Zeitooine. Lohgarra reminded Kyrell that the crew had few available funds but did eventually grant him a budget to buy a new power cell, albeit not without noting that such an item could be expensive on Zeitooine. Kyrell agreed, stating that higher prices were ordinary in Zeitooine's area of space and that products in the Outer Rim Territories would be much cheaper.[1]

The spaceport at which the freighter had landed was located at the edge of a Zeit city. When Kyrell stepped off the Mighty Oak Apocalypse onto Zeitooine's surface, his breath formed clouds in the cool air. At the same time, he felt uneasy about being on Zeitooine as he felt it had too heavy an Imperial presence because of its location in the Inner Rim. He was reminded by Lohgarra, however, that because there were few cities on the planet and it was not an active trading center, he was unlikely to be caught. While the rest of the crew delivered several constructor droids, Kyrell searched for a seller of secondhand parts. Although he learned that the nearest seller was a ten minutes' walk away—farther than he had hoped—he decided to go there anyway.[1]

On the way, Kyrell reached the city square, where a large crowd was watching Imperial stormtroopers arrest a local family for violating a prohibition on independent publications. Horrified, Kyrell returned to the freighter, claiming that he had found nothing within his price range. Afterwards, the Mighty Oak Apocalypse and its crew left the planet.[1]


Zeitooine's inhabitants were known as Zeit. The Zeit were ruled by a royalty that was composed of multiple opposing houses, members of which regularly backstabbed and attempted to assassinate one another. Assassination methods were elaborate and included adding powders to wineglasses and smearing venom on pillowcases.[2]


A small number of Zeit cities dotted Zeitooine's surface, including one that contained the spaceport visited by Thane Kyrell and the Mighty Oak Apocalypse.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Zeitooine first appeared in the 2015 novel Lost Stars, written by Claudia Gray.[1]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Lost Stars
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 The High Republic: Into the Dark
  3. 3.0 3.1 Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi
  4. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of The High Republic: Into the Dark to 232 BBY.
  5. Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi establishes that the in-universe book Chronicles of the Jedi was written weeks after the destruction of Starlight Beacon, which Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia dates to 230 BBY. The issuing of the Guardian Protocols, dated by The High Republic Character Encyclopedia to 229 BBY, are depicted in The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight 1 as taking place one week after Starlight Beacon's destruction. With this, Chronicles of the Jedi must have been authored no earlier than 229 BBY. Chronicles of the Jedi further establishes that Pra-Tre Veter is still a Grand Master of the Jedi Order, meaning it was written before his death, which The High Republic Character Encyclopedia states took place in 229 BBY. Therefore, Chronicles of the Jedi must have been written in 229 BBY.
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