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"[…] early in my career, I'd tracked a thief, a Corellian named Thoxo, to the agriworld Yitabo."
―Cradossk, Making a Killing[2]

Yitabo was a Mid Rim agriworld located in the Kastolar sector. Settled by Bornecks, Saurin, and Wookiees, it featured several settlements. Early in his career, the bounty hunter Cradossk tracked down and killed the thief Thoxo on Yitabo. The mercenary known as "Gunman" was later captured by Galactic Empire–affiliated slavers who were seizing Wookiees near Yitabo at some point by 8 ABY.


Yitabo was a minor agricultural world located in the Yitabo system, a part of the Kastolar sector in the Kashyyyk Region. It constituted a part of the Slice portion of the Mid Rim. The hyperlane known as the Pabol Sleheyron connected Yitabo to the Chalacta and Randon systems, while the hyperspace route known as the Durkteel Loop linked it to the Durkteel system.[1]


"I spent some time on a 'necklace' after Imperial slavers (who were seizing Wookiees near Yitabo) captured me."
―Gunman, Gundark's Gear Datalog[3]

The bounty hunter Cradossk once tracked down a target on Yitabo.

At one point early in the career of the Trandoshan bounty hunter Cradossk,[2] he[4] tracked down the Corellian Human thief Thoxo to Yitabo. The day after his arrival on the agriworld, Cradossk actually met and talked with his target, though the bounty hunter was unaware of the fact due to Thoxo employing a disguise. Expecting the Corellian to be hiding in one of Yitabo's settlements, Cradossk disguised himself as a harmless prospector and spent the following week visiting the inhabited areas one by one and gaining the trust of local bartenders and innkeepers, all the while looking out for Thoxo.[2]

Eventually, however, the Trandoshan realized his quarry was likely also hiding in plain sight and changed his approach. Changing into his bounty hunter's attire, Cradossk walked into the best inn of Yitabo's most upscale settlement and, firing his blaster into the ceiling, yelled out Thoxo's name. The thief, who happened to be enjoying a drink at the establishment while disguised as a retired academic from[2] the planet[1] Thyferra, then ran for the back door. At that point, Cradossk shot the man and subsequently hauled his body out of the inn. The bounty hunter went on to relate the incident in his[2] 18 BBY[5] autobiography, Making a Killing.[2]

Enslavers associated with the Galactic Empire were capturing Wookiees near Yitabo[3] at some point by 8 ABY.[6] The enslavers eventually also captured the individual known as "Gunman,"[3] who was a member of the Churhee's Riflemen mercenary unit[7] and who was performing reconnaissance on them for their unit, which intended to liberate the Wookiees. Gunman later noted the fact in a comment in the illegal database Gundark's Gear Datalog.[3]


Yitabo was settled by members of the Borneck, Saurin, and Wookiee species.[1]


"Because [Thoxo] wasn't anyone's idea of a rugged individual […] I knew I'd find him hiding out in one of several settlements, probably at one of the better establishments."
―Cradossk, Making a Killing[2]

Yitabo had several settlements that had establishments such as bars and inns. All of the establishments that were of higher class were always relatively crowded.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Yitabo was introduced in the 1997 sourcebook Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear, published for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[3] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed it in grid square Q-10.[1]


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