


Yenna was a Dathomirian Nightsister who lived in the final years of the Republic Era. A creation of the clanless witch Falta, Yenna was made of clay, shells, and other materials. The witch Falta took Yenna in as a daughter. Yenna attracted the attention of Mother Talzin, leader of the Nightsisters, because of the unusual circumstances of her birth: Falta had created her through an unprecedented rite of magick, inspired by the Nightsisters' own burial customs. Although her mother did not want her to join the clan, Yenna, having difficulty dealing with her unpredictable powers, eventually took up Talzin's offer and joined the Nightsisters. Years later, during the Clone Wars, the Separatists launched an attack on the Nightsisters. During the battle, on Talzin's orders, Yenna was placed under a sleep spell and sealed in a class three lifepod, which was then launched on a course with drop coordinates in the Mid Rim. Falta found that her daughter had been sent offworld afterwards from the dying witch Daka, upon arriving at the Nightsister fortress in search. Leaving Dathomir, Falta searched for her daughter throughout the Outer Rim until she reached the planetoid Sídi, where she found a transmission which revealed Yenna was somewhere in the Mid Rim.[1]

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