

challenge (Legends)

This crude map of the galaxy (in the Star Wars Legends continuity) gives us a visual representation of the current crop of Featured, Good and Comprehensive articles within our scope. Note that sectors, regions and hyperlanes are absent for now, and that not all of these articles were written by members of this project.

Our main focus for now is writing a Featured, Good or Comprehensive article for every grid on the map. There's 441 grids in total, 183 of which are currently unused. That's 258 grids for us to fill out!

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Deep Core Core Worlds Colonies Inner Rim Expansion Region Mid Rim Outer Rim Hutt Space Unknown Regions
Wild Space
Crd. C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W
1 x x x x x x x x x Unidentified red giant, Unidentified white dwarf x x x x x x x x x x
2 x x x x x x x x Te HasaTe Hasa system Zipthar system Felin system, Hettitite, Hettitite system Ord JanonOrd Janon system Devil's Asteroid, Devil's Asteroid Grid sector 867-3A4, Serias, unidentified Serianan Belt asteroid x x x x x x x
3 x x x x x x Qonto system, Xerton Nine Anorelga system, Bnar system, Bnar VII, The Edge of the Galaxy, Tulatharri Junction AltoraAltora system, Laerdocia system, Plesstil, Trassitan, Veragi system Antmuel system, Antmuel VI LobaocLobaoc systemFoxar system, Sartoy system, Tiragga Genetech Orbiting Research LabBreta Yaga, Breta Yaga system, Pitrillistia, Yntrann Ethav Major system, Hanod, Hanod system, Pervick system, Sormahil system, Trascor TralfinCerilia system, Chestrashus system, Harrandarr, Kyoloria system Cadomai PrimeNinnGlite-Ven system, Hydra system, Kwapi system, Mavva system Farana/Legends, Fether, Hiit, UliciaAtchorb, D'ian, Hull's Star system, Lythos VI, Lythos VII, Lythos VIII, Morellia/Legends, Ocsin (planet), Tothis x x x x
4 x x x x x x Guiteica/LegendsZin TaalBettok, Delephr system, Gelda system, Kadok III FodroBisellia system, Cezith system, Havath Prime, Karavis system, Quanton, Varvrona system, Venestria Anx Minor/Legends, Anx Minor system, Kesmere system, Morturia system, Sinsang, Sinsang system, Tertiary Kesmere, Tertiary Kesmere system x JerneKol AtornIbanjji, Ibanjji system, Jerne system, Nord system, Sipsk system, Thovinack system Cryon, Daranc system, Gaalt system, Lusaanda, Regalia system, Simento-Threk, Tholian system, Valfin system, Vannan system Bizikia system, Direllia system, Jurio, Ligna system, Nebula Forso, Rindia system Citadel StationAntared III, Camus IV, Critoki system, Javarica system, Notonia system, Rokaria system, Soco-Jarel system Ch'hodosBhargebba Six, Ch'hodos's red sun, Naplousea system, Pegg, Thela system Besh gateMedia (planet), Nathema's sun, Sevari system, Varic Calipp, Faarlsun, Jun (planet), Koss, Weken, Zossi Belt x x x
5 x x x x x Pashvi/LegendsBraccio system, Quethold system ChurrumaBetal, Marcelan Prime Ord Canfre/LegendsAncathia system, Hale Return, Kitaros Nebula Moltok/LegendsDesolation Station/Legends, Devon Four, Gibbela, Gree Baaker, Hethar, Iridium, Isiring, Kalki Nebula/Legends, Vuchelle, Vuchelle systemGibbela system, Gurrisalia system, Isiring system, Noola system, Peldon Minor, Peldon Minor system, Rhuvia system, Shar'Ack, Shar'Ack system Agamar/Legends, Gandolo IVChrellis system, Harrod's Planet, Harrod's Planet system, Yuvern, Yuvern systemChrellis, Gaddria system, Harrod, Oplovis, Oplovis system, Vosteltig system New HolghaAar, Abar system, Argo system, Asher III, Asher system, Bakisian Drift/Legends, Esooma, Esooma system, Ethrani system, Jargridia system, Maxet system, Mistar system, Nijune system, Portminia system, Raspar system, Shirb system, Sprizen system, Thaylia system, Tinuvia system, Zrak system Edusa/Legends, HynahCamden, Clysm system, Katalia system, Priole Danna system Durollia, Pleiades, Marrovia, Mogoshyn, Shenio system The RoilAtorra, B'trilla, Chenowei, Drezzi, Feena, Mannova Jaguada/Legends, Ord DaletDrayberia system, Fromiria system, Hermos, Jaguada's star Sembla/LegendsEstaria/Legends, Shallow MarchAnk Ki'Shor, Folende YaronnApiliria system, Salissia system x x x
6 x x x Zosha x Flacharia system Dbari system, Malari, Namadii systemFrunchettan system, Lakra system, Namadii/Legends, Thuna III, Thuna system Keitum/Legends, Keitum systemAlderbathe system, Bars Barka, Parliock system, Varvva system Lonnaw, Ord TessebokAngrallia system, Deadon system, Kareas system Burna system, Entana system, Osskorn system Er'Kit/Legends, Er'Kit system, Paarin MinorAzura system, Bazaar (planet), Hewett system, Homana system, Idolia system, Mackar, Oricho system, Rimbaux system, Tastiged system, Veronia system Corosia system, Delderaan, Guuko system, Prolifera system, Sintheti VanquoAmorris, Amorris system, Gorm, Praven Prime, Wol Cabassh/LegendsAmorris system, Arodoni, Arro, BABYgnon, Barmasel, Chav, Chirgay, Druulgotha system, Euton, Flyntaria system, Laseel, Pedd Four, Stindaron, Thomquizzar system, Wrodi system AznaDenarii Station, Far Indosa system, Near Indosa, Povanaria, Presbalin, Selitan, Traptoforia system, Trinovat, Xochtl, Zona Miki system Randorn 2, The RoilArkuda, Capella, Chirrion system, The Cometwash, Durgen's Star, Feldwes, Gulvitch, Kalishik, Karsten's World system, Noryath system, Pygorix, Quanducial system, Tenara, Tenara system, Usta Falang Minor, Ord Marsax, Tiems (planet)N'dian, Till Chorios, Ychthyton system Janilis VII, StalimurArramanx, Clariv, Galdria system, Jhantoria, Shaltin system Minntooine/LegendsGeillia system, Junobia system, Mullan, Refnar, Shaylin 18, Sran system, Telaris system/Legends Buchich, Damendine system, Giryulan system, Hinakuu, New Heurkea system x x
7 x Twilight Void, Vun'Hanna x x Bory, Cala (planet), Eton, Fern (planet), Jike, Trop Volik Burska, Unidentified Unknown Regions star system (skirmish between Progga and Picket Force Two)Bloxia system, Crintlia system, Evas VI, Ma'alkerr system, Marasaln system, Masgen system, Murgo system, Sinton, unidentified yellow sun, Voniss Belshar Othacuu, Mondress system, Ord VareeCarvandir system, Darkon III, Jaloria system, Londor system, Pugal system Grehollo system, Traval-Pacor systemCorthenia system, Ipellrilla system, Manoe system, Thory Prime system, unidentified prison planet IlimardonDor Nameth, Melus system, Tarchalia system Fusion Clouds of TartagliaMapuzo/Legends, Moer, Nicandra system, Octavia system, Otavon XII's moon, Otavon XII's second moon, Thairwsthis system, Vectinia system, Verossia system, Viga system, Vretha system, Walin'or system, Yde SerrocoSuurjaGerinia system Breshig, Fait d'Fait, Fenel, Flitter (planet), Harswee/LegendsBiravia system, Geris VI, Geris system, Jakelia system, Ord Fanthal, Ramorea system, Reegian system/Legends Keresia, Keresia system, New Canistel, New Canistel system, Nuala system, Tlön Eres III, Ord Tiddell/LegendsCarpastor system, Cortilium Major, Daminia, Delphania system, Eres system, Ggy-ynt system, Gormen system, Hleua, Ilamna, Jolia system, Matabre, Pinurquia system, Pouffra system, Santheria system, Thodia system Abhean/Legends, Bal'demnicSorjus, Uthtara30px-ComprehensiveArticle Handooine/Legends, Kile II, Orixon Nebula, Sulorine, TrasemeneColunda Prime, Gligger system, Harda system, Khoan system, Kyryll's World/Legends, Nyasko, Ord Zat, Ramsir system, The Sundered Veil, Talvaria system, Vunakia system OHS3842-03Hardex system, OHS1782-03 system, OHS2132-04 system, OHS4140-02 system Sanctuary/LegendsBenwabula system, Bulwark, Dark Nebula, Poseidenna system, Solanus x x
8 x x Avidich, Kinoss, Naporar/Legends, Ool, Oyokal, Rentor/Legends, Shihon/Legends, Sposia/Legends Celwis, Cioral, Colonial Station Cam'co system, Cormit, Jamiron, Noris, Ornfra, Repplic, Schesa/Legends, Sharb Pesfavri/LegendsCatlia, Catlia system, Massoss/Legends Forbelea system Roxuli/LegendsCeldaru system, Escabar, Geroon's sun, Kur Minor system, Mendicat Ichalin StationAramal system, Belassar system, Fyrth system, Hijo, Hijoian Docks, Loth, Neshei system, Ryborea system, Soun IV/Legends, Vardoss IV Barenth, Brightday, Doshan, Immalia, Meastrinnar, Mittoblade/Legends, Sif-AlulaAnduvia system, Dressia system, Gultanna system, Osara system, Protogeyser, Sooncanoo Beacon, Sooncanoo system, Upper Brightday, Waymancy system, The Whirl Drearia/Legends, Ord Lithone, Yir Tangee/LegendsAmador, Balaidas system, Champala's star, Datar system's sun, Maun Digitalis, Nieuth Four, Tyberious system, Wyloff, Wynth Sljee, Taspan II, Uphrades, Uphrades systemAlmera system, Dagary Minor, Dubloviann system, Gannymeda system, Gorobei/Legends, Hanna system, Salmagodro system, Silversisi system, Yaka (planet) Eshan/Legends, Filordis/Legends, Little AtullusKes, Juzzia system, Lhosa system, Relatta system, Rigovia system, Tyrusia system, Yantha system Farstey/Legends, JendornAngeria system, Avenel Rest Station, Avenel system, Borloria system, Dalcretti system, Dentaria system, Farsellah, Hapor, Hasiki system, Lerct system, Pathandr system, Quooria, Ratamesh, Velex system GasconBynarria system, Grimwald system, Ondara system, Phaseera orbital bioresearch facility, Vensor system Jeyell/Legends, KostraKostra system, Quilan system, Talcene, Thennqor system VilosoriaBontormia system, Caramm V, Dithanune, Du Mai, Peg Shar I/Legends, Peg Shar system, Saffa system Hypotria, Moog Mot VI, Vaathkree (planet)Alaspin system, Bolad, Kuthic Worlds, Lythia system, Nomaria system, Raddan system, Sargesso asteroids, Ulkantha asteroids Junkfort Station/Legends, Oseon 2795, Oseon 5792, Oseon 6845, Unidentified Oseon system asteroidDagelin Minor, Erilnar, Junkfort system, Oseon 5631, Oseon 8920, Rafa XI, SimbarcArleen system, Cadma system, Jexeria system, Marleyvane system, Nimat system, Orranana system, Rafa III, Scillal system, Zebitrope IV, Zebitrope system, Zebitrope VIII Antipose, SkeeboAntipose IX, Antipose XII, Antipose system, Antipose system star, Douglas III, Ua system, Uaua, unidentified star (Dilonexa system)Douglas system, Falko system x
9 x x Rata Nebula YashuvhuColonial Station Chaf system, Csaus, Sarvchi/Legends Carrivar Kharmort's Miasma, Vagar Praxut, Vagar Praxut system Dreffon IV, Hirin, Kastin, Lontar system, Rantorin VoonAaeton, Hyabb, Yirt-4138-Grek-12Bolenia system, Duran system, Melahna system/Legends, Ord Dolsan, Prekaz system, Voon sun Emperor's skyhook, Grizmallt/LegendsKes system, Orbital Security Station Six, Platform 8127/121, Thorgeld I, Thorgeld system, Uviuy Exen/Legends, Uviuy Exen system, Vento system shipyardsAsimuse, Calabar system, Chandra, Chandrakant, Delle II, Delle system, Dervdis system, Dolucar, Dorax system, Emurria system, Expora, Jatir system, Lorora, Lovetus system, Melinz, Myrenia system, Nara system, Neuvia system, Ord Carpagia, Perlemia, Quenk system, Quenus, Rubogea system, Salgarus system, Sissubo/Legends, Tarlandia system Belnar/Legends, Bramior system, Drunost, Findris, Yabol Opa/LegendsAdim, Bramior star, Brella Temior system, Dalandae, Deneeli system, Frommon system, Grandine system, Haldeen, Khramboa system, Korfo II/Legends, Korfo system, Loj, Manella system, Orthellin system, Pelemax system, Rove, Shoroni system, Sochi, Tellivar system, Vasuuli system Ktil/LegendsAlmakar system, Bamasia system, Charbodia system, Charenthoth, Corvanni IV, Eilnia system, Glassferra system, Korev VII, Manwess III, Pindra system asteroids, Spanthaer system, Tibro, Tolfrania system, Tun Wala system, Vob, Vorsia system Algnadesh system, Andalia system, Baldavia system, Carlania system, Cheruba system, Daruvvia system, Divora system, Donovia/Legends, Farnica system, Febrini system, Hylaia system, Jodaka, Jovaria system, Lalmy'ash system, Lovola system, Modus system, Nojic system, Novi system, Phelope system, Rainboh, Rbollea system, Sargon system, Sennex system, Talcharaim system, Theselon system, Tumani system, Wodan system, Zadaria system, Zalori system BiivrenAlaris, Alaris Expanse, Baldur system, New Raithal system, Shurr, Viraanntesse system, Werania system Balamak/LegendsNauton IV, Ord Gustald, Persavi system Alee, Ardroxia system, Ord Thabl, Sabrash system Dirha, Kafane, Nerria system, Sorderia system, Tefau system, Vadooria system Delassin VI, Jerijador, MorvogodineAc'fren system, Gestrex III, Gestrex system, Neary SeregarFreliqThraisai, Vvaw/Legends Yoon Cloud x
10 x x x x Crakull, Crakull system x Ianane IIIIanane Ring Pollillus/LegendsKokash system NorneAradia system, Bosch system, Delanoth, Doornik-628A, Doornik-628B, Doornik-628F, Endrolia system, Ensolica, Mekith, Norat system, Norkronia system, Prakess, Rake, Symbia system, Tallia system, Ucret system Ashla (moon), Atale, Goluud Minor, Starswarm Cluster, Unidentified orbital security station, Vultar systemAaghra, Adana/Legends, Barbeen system, Cambria system, Carlem system, Darellia system, Galdronia system, Ginn Jump, Heliconia system, Iope system, Kins, Korfanus system, Malpassia system, moons of Jonsior, Nur (planet), Peshara, Vulderania system, Vulp Major, Vulp Minor, Vulpus, Vultar, Vultar Nebula Humbarine/Legends, Pria/LegendsHumbarine system, Jastro III, TrellenAtor/Legends, Baylagon system, Berrun, Berrun system, Bulano system, Darwikia system, Ferijia system, Garwillia system, Jumeria system, Magmar, Magmar system, Manaxia system, Nopachi system, Pria's sole moon, Solloops system, Tartaria system, Thixia system Falasia system, Gaxxa system, Gravdinia system, Lurania system, Penga system, Seraphan system, Vertseth/Legends, Visseon system Celegia/Legends, Celegia system, Stenness Hyperspace Terminal, Vo DashaBactriasa system, Beckoning Call Starr 3, Emorus system, Eyar system, Koolach system, Vesari system Coachelle Prime/Legends, Coachelle system, PDC3141-02Couronne, Couronne system, Mytaranor, Pizilis, Pizilis system, Terr'skiar, Torn Station, Torn Station system YitaboMessert/Legends, Rakhuuun, Rakhuuun system Nar Bo ShollaIlos, Ilos Minor, Keldooine, Moobia system Nimban/LegendsKor Besadii, Nar Kreeta systemBootana Shagplan, Mulatan, Nar Chunna, Ulmatra/Legends, Zisia Mandrine/Legends, Moralan, Prishella IIIDrualkiin system, Elgit, Usk (planet) Lexas Prime system, Minavar system, P'frorin system x Trigaskian Blur
11 x x x x Desten, Ding Briar, Geraps Sule, Iwar, Meldina, Taxiode, Verla Klest x x x Galactic Center, Odik IIAbanol, Chel, Houll, Kissarm, Pelutt, Polos, Relus Galactic Center, Kampe Lettow/LegendsAnsata system, Cosia/Legends, Darakin system, Fromish system, Ilthan system, Jaciprus system, Jalin system, Johria system, Lolnar, Messia system, Murakam system, Sedratis system, Sestina system, Seyugi, Solassus system, Thoadeye system, Vagneria system, Verdanaia system, Verdoria system Damoria system, Fadden, Fadden system, Janako system, Lankashiir, Vanjervalis system TruuineBanasthau system Tintel, Ulda FravArtesia, Artesia system, Batravia system, Bruvia system, Danalbeth, third moon of Erai, Xandonia system, Zirulast, Zirulast (star) Pesmenben IVKurost system, Nirellia system, Ord Yndar, Peluchia system, Pesmenben system, Prospera Jang Cygnus B system, Esaga, Tol Amn, Tol Amn system Gos Hutta system, Kor DesilijicDu Hutta, Groth, Huloon, Kor Anjiliac, Kor Gejalli, Kor Jiramma, Sakidopa, Sakiduba Nar Haaska/LegendsM'Hanna, Sakifwanna, Saqqar, The Godsheart, Tisht, Unidentified orbital station Boltrunia system, Klytonia system, Styx system, Turrani system x x
12 x x x x x x x Atrisia/Legends, Atrisi systemInysh, Nathas I, Ord SabaokCartusio system, Frisal, Frisal system, Kiliea system, Nebulas of Osssorck, Rakaa IV Botor system, LoedorviaAdikaria, Dulvoyinn system, Iscno system, Kerensik, Kler'terria system, Lialic system, Pargaux, Siola system ThomorkDiatia Major, Diatian Clockwork, Lansono, Numatra system, Pkihantri system Karvoss IIAlkenak system, Bantu system, Cavaell system/Legends, Cedrell system, Chamm system, Kexeeria system, Kobaria system, Luduria system, Maltorra system, Padua system, Panela system, Sontara system, Throova system Besnia system, Elin Roe's fifth moon, Elin Roe system, Havricus, Herstell V, Huulia/Legends, Ondo system, Pestoriv system, Shasa system Fabrin/Legends, PrazhiKamgeddon system, Knooda system, Maladi system, Parcelus Major system, Thousand Moons system/Legends T'surrArtom, Askaria system, Farfalla system, Hasaq's sun, Hasaq system, Kallakea system, Loac system, Mordagon, Yutan system, Zaloriis system Berason, Parcovey MinorD'faria system, Dakaret system, Tarshan system, Thulia system, Vidicx system Ord WylanJilrua, Jilrua system, Mhalanduin system, Ruloosia system Affavan, CircumtoreAylayl, Carnovia, Diyu, Nal Koska, Sha'rellia system, Unidentified moon of Kiskua Ord Lonesome, Riddellia system, Ziugen, Ziugen system Clantaano III, Lirra x x
13 x x x x O'reen x Aur IX, Aur Diamonds, Aur system, Aur system diamond cloud, Chorra system, Donadus, Gandrun Two, Ord Sabaok system, Permondiri system, Perthrillia system SteeliousAbregado-dai, Abregado-fus, Abregado-san, Abregado-taki, Beledeen system, Cuvacia system, Cydorria system, Dihneral system, Karltonia system, Kloodavia system, Kooda system, Niele system, Qixoni Nebula, Sarpazia system, Steelious system, Vaykaaris system, Vrakolia system, Whelori system Enaleh, Rimma, Rimma system, Weldii IIIAlbrae-Don, Albrae-Don system, Camblia system, Clær, Claer system, Degarian system, Eamus 6, Eamus system, Enaleh system, Faliar, Floubette system, Fondor Belt I, Fondor Belt II, Fondor Belt III, Fondor Belt IV, Gontzol system, Hanofar, Hanofar system, Kintarr system, Lali system, Laman system, Lambaria system, Mzeh, Namore, Namore system, Pervi system, Plexis/Legends, Plexis system, Razia system, Rurgavea system, Simra system, Tiisheraan/Legends, Tiisheraan system, Transel, Transel system, Trupellia system, Valera, Valera system, Videll system, Weldii system Aridinia system, Croyden system, Denusia system, Hillindor system, Muuria system, Onderia system, Primarin system, Zuggit system Bassel system, Erhynradd system, Flandor system, Harbin-re, Mavinia system, Merthia system, Salagor system TlactehonAltier, Drgi system, Gerhalt III, Ruugia system, Tarmidia system, Trebela Raskane IVDimea system, Gregonia system, Hoylin, Mendacia system, Phr'sha system, Silorna system, Wann Tsir Dalonia system, Feraleech system, Maerdocia system, Meedis Minor, Thokosia system, Ursellin system ImramDohlban, Leresen system Deluvia system, Far Pando, Ord Klina, Ord Ortag, Penhalla system, Xolu Arami/LegendsFerton, Unagin Zoraster, Zoraster system x x
14 x x x x x BormterSvekk system Lequabis systemFrewwil, Jedd Six, Jedd system, Orroman, Orroman system Buoyant, Shasfath ClusterAbatrang KyrouacFennesa, Trevura, TujiamoorBiskar system, Dulin system, Fnessal, Ithica system, Ord Pentala, Pa Tho, Slession system, Xerthia system TauberCaulbon, Denbar system, Deryvia system, Iphar system, Kedra system, Penegelen, Penegelen Shards, Renillis system, Sewalia system, Terrelia/Legends, Tomo-Reth Aldereen system, Bacia system, Credaan system, Hadlress, Heptalia, Kayven system, Ratit system, Roundtree system, Sarkania system Kalandis IV, Mulako Corporation Primordial Water QuarryAshash, Caska system, Ciratu, Ciratu Spheres, Corips system, Farbinda III, Grandeel system, Klepthia system, Marcadia system, Sandonia system Gamor system, Zarracina IIIGarfin system, Niian, Selsor, Treffani system Ongary IX, ZaraksanderImberlin system, Ividal, Kardava system, Muntuur system Eriscot, Malthor, Tomark IIDarie system, D'Nile system, Likasha system, Meshakia system Antakaria system, Apoka system, Cornesia system, Ragnook system, Reena Minor system, Thrynka system, Zygia system Borga, Borga system, Derso system, Morgania system, Near Pando, Near Pando system, Nimgorrhea system, Outer Zznza, Rotas V Ag'gor, Dersonn III, Dersonn system, Lok Trul, Opyol, Ulklub Tatrang I, Tatrang II, Tatrang VI, Tatrang VII x x
15 x x x x x Codian Moon/LegendsCodia system, Gannaria system, Meria system Aesolian, Aesolian system ThandrussExtorin Major system, Extorin Minor system, Gandeid IV, Garen system, Lahag Erli, Opitha Tren system Calabosh-2, Ghoba system, Pioku system Harrin/Legends, Naval Station Validusia/Legends, Ukatis, Ukatis systemBivoli system, Quesaya system, Roona/Legends, Serria system Athallia, Atrakus, Epsi Zenith system, Geniseria system, Hythrope IV Lazerian IVLazerian (star)Acorvus, Alkur, Armath, Armath system, Cuirilla, Dborian, Garollia system, Ikon, Kelro, Lazerian IX, Lazerian VI, Lazerian VII, Mikaster III, Moloskia system, Ramordia system, Rokwahl Asteroid Belt, Verullia system Ank Kit'aar, Bomodon, Cheku system, Kragis system, Manari, Muzzli system, Sarranket Andosha IIAndulia system, Basan system, Belvaria system, Corweillia system, Dairka system, Erian system, Froffl system, Haseria system, Kyrska system, Matacorn, Medepiest system, Primtara system, Tirac Munda, Tyria system, Uvadala Ando (star)Andando, Arbular, Horos, Orkellia system, Phibia, Raquish system, Thape, Xanas system Devros system, Gansett system, Onatos system, Tourani system, Velossia system Lyran IV, Tenek (planet)Abrion Major/Legends, Dozoisia system, Epsom Asteroid Belt, Hefi, Phattro system, Sheela system, Threndria system, Tieos/Legends Quiberon V, ShiffrinZybahhod system V'sharV'shar system x x
16 x x x KammiaGymelo, Gymelo system SarafurDin Nebula/Legends, Din Pulsar/Legends, Kuna's Eye/Legends, Kuna's Eye system, Kuna's Fist system, Kuna's Tooth/Legends, Murk (planetoid), Murk (star), Murk system, Sanyassa IV, Vex Asteroid Belt, Vex Major, Vex system, Zorbia IIDin, Kuna's Fist/Legends, Kuna's Horn/Legends, Rodis, Sanyassa system, Sistermoon, UR-1060/Legends, Zorbia system Aurimaus, Dlor 3, Dononter Minor, Ghothia system, Marzoon system, Mhatma 5 The Black Delve, Jidlor system, Jmin system, Nilgaria system, Oriolanis, Polomie, Tashtor Seneca system, Threfal, unidentified moon (Werta system) Jardeen IV, Noe'ha'on/Legends, Stennaros/LegendsBarcaria, Natalon system, Ohratuu Unidentified asteroid field (Krykas V)Alchenaut, Ord Ivarn, Ternin system, Vulcusion system, Wen'he'dinae Ventran systemHewl Arrgaw, Kira I, Roldalna, Sayblohn, ZeHeth/LegendsConjenus system, Dustig system, Suria system, Vishay system, Zeolosia system Ord DorlassDeersheba system, Iskin system, Jafan system, Karlinus system, Krnay system, Necr'ygor system, Ord Zeuol, Teirasa system DemnadiDesstious, Haluria system, Mordis VI, Ord Zynthar, Vendusii system, Xandil VII Fordon system, Hismaul system, Moravia system, Musson system, Ord Celbus, Savareen system/Legends Adriana, Gulf of Tatooine/Legends, Korseg IV, Stellan (planet), VuzsaA-Foroon/Legends, B-Foroon, D'Anjon Nebula, Ferrelia system, Kemal, Kemal Station, Koiogra system, New Ator, Ooo-temiuk, Utaruun Mendavi system, Porpor system, Venedlia system Herios IVWoldona system x x
17 x x x x x Bursoll IIBenkal system, Tholon GraadorDorriella, Elatha system, Hassaria system, Vorkaa system Almak/Legends, Gendius system, Gendius V, Jiaan Jiroch-Kalok, Jiroch-Saloch, Kaump III, Keltos IVDalisor system, Ebenmal, Ebenmal system, Feris, Iska system, Ixzinia system, Little Petrovi/Legends, Miztoc, Quamar system, Tallaso, Yartiga system Joralla, Mima IIAnstares VI, Cyimarra, Hutlar, Joralla system, Knores, Lar, Malador, Parada, Paramatan, Selenius VII, Vandron system, YhifarAdoris, Carsanza/Legends, Deminol, Dioll, Grall, Jaska, Kardura system, Kassido, Manalin, Maro Della, Nars, Neelanon/Legends, Ossiathora, Presteen, Silvestri system, Sinded, Veron/Legends, Yagara system, Yankirk system, Zaria, Zyluria AdrasDrilbia system, Dzass IV, Garcornia, Hapuntep system, Loposi Three's moon, Maldovea system, Nymalia system, Ord Hout Azzameen StationNakrikal Singularity, Sanrafsix/Legends, Trevi IVOld Mankoo, Syned One, Tendo system Alui system, Comm 4, Huvveck system, Lofquar system, Loratus system, Metharg system, Shafr system, unidentified tenth moon of Storm, unidentified third moon of Storm Farstine/Legends, Qeimet system, Stend IV, Stend VI, TrigalisStend system, Trigalis system, VoruskuJarvanam, Rezi-9, Tebru, Tebru system, Verisin, Vorusku system, Yasilor, Y'Dar system Branteez, Duunir, Fair Hollis system, Fligger system, Gorgaria system, Iyred, Jostaar system, Julsujod III, Magravia, Oshora system, Purala IV, Tamra system, Tarkenia system, Zobbera system Shimia/LegendsHuldamun, Khubeaie, Krmar system, Luudria system, Miv'rah system TellanroaegAlarevi system RannonKich, Moll (planet), Onuf, Partold system x x x
18 x x x x x NCW-781The Quintarad, Void of Aogros Virgillia system/LegendsCoveway, Usean IILipsec system, Niran, Virgillia's forested moon ShuldenePlavonia system, Pulassas Minor, Slotern, Tureen system, Tureen VI Darlyn Boda/Legends, Hoth asteroid fieldAnantapar/Legends, Aztubek, Bavva/Legends, Bendeluum/Legends, Burnin Konn/Legends, Council (planet)/Legends, Ertegas/Legends, High Chunah, Indellian, Ione/Legends, Isde Naha/Legends, Isde Naha system, Kirtarkin/Legends, Kumru, Mataou/Legends, Mexeluine/Legends, Mijos/Legends, Orn Kios/Legends, Shuxl system, Talhovi, Togominda/Legends, Tokmia/Legends, Zhanox/LegendsArporatal-Lanin, Cargamalis system, Dasoor/Legends, Doaskin, Mataou fuel station, Farstone, Little Talhovi, Oovri II, Ozu/Legends, Pellastrallas, The Ring/Legends, Tellanada system, Thull's Vault, Umthyg, Uthor system Fengrine/Legends, Hestria, Tranthellix, VoorsbainBator Bai, Brodogon system, Denebia, Dolla/Legends, Doreen, Hiffis, Kedorzha, Kimm Aurek, Pieldi, Shoon, Simoom system, Usnia, Varadan, Vulcar BrintooinGarrthinius, Luptoom, Seswenna/LegendsBelloria system, Chelleya, Delmaas system, Dorenia system, Eczar, Erinar, Jaroona, Kelliadu, Lucrusia system, Mirnic system, Moshaw Dark Star, Muntiadu, Orryxia system, Pyolli system, Tarastra, Vendrak V Sharlissia systemBeetle Nebula, Chagaria system, Rior/Legends, Vedis IV Shadda-Bi-Boran/LegendsBaes Logia, Empartheca system, Shadda Nebula, Tedonia system, Warchigade system Bajic system, Suhuurmin system, Vinzen Neela 5 Changa system, Danadine, Goshyn Detention Center, Goshyn system, Kendamar, Lesu, Lol system, Majilop, Majilop system, Ragnar system, Ragnar VIII, Skann Kasiol 3Gerzob, Kinun Depot system, Tyaonon system Gertafuu system, Gertafuu VI, Indoumodo/Legends, Naos Asteroid Belt x x x x
19 x x x x x Barraken system, Unnipar system Bestal Three, Varada systemAbsit, Dentamma Nebula, Kadal Asteroid Field, Varada Five, Veccacopia, Veccacopia system Dahvil, Gastrula, Pako Ramoon, Seven FlamesBancar, Rivoria system, Salteract, Verdi system Doxxen system, Fanha/Legends, Pendaxa, Sontor system, Yunkor IX Atravis systemGon Tiek, Tarawa, Vale, Vanan, Vanan system Kerest/LegendsBubbok, Camaria system, Darlo/Legends, Derf system, Hysalria system, Lonjair Prime system, Ness, Polordio system, Sty, Tarabba Prime/Legends, Tarabba system, Undar, Utozz Prime system Laria, Rhamsis Callo, Tertiary Fujar systemLuj system, Rindoon system, Sloogaria system Baffop, Breshkall system, Bront, Sulloria system Skynara system, Torch Nebula/LegendsPiluvia system Bentora system, Lucrenn, Skynara/Legends, Wodenstam Guudria system x x x x x
20 x x x x x Crytal NestAlou Belt, Masalou, Mephout system, Tanalou, Yaralou Dyspeth, Needan, Needan systemThe Clar, The Clar system, Dyspeth system, unidentified comet "Woern's Asteroid"Drup I, Drup II, Drup III, Lust system, Olabria system Manpha/Legends, RelkassAnto's Star system OchotlAther, Chundu system, Dravin system Skor IICegul system, Jillsaria system, Regellia, Teh'Jar II, Tyrellia system, Yoberra Corva Yag, DelemedeChortose/Legends, Nalrith, Rseik, Tyne Albamon, Vanaria system Corg system, Neoli system Lasan/Legends x x x x x x x
21 x x x x x Imynusoph/Legends, Imynusoph system Daimla Koltine, Koltine system Galtea, Gandle Ott, Kal'Shebbol/Legends, Pembric II, Sebiris, ShintelAaris system, Brolsam, Charis, Corjain, Galtea Binary system, Kal'Shebbol system, Kolatill system, Oon Tien, TorizeIvatch, Mairne, Peirs, Unidentified planet (Kolatill system), Vatta Four DNX-N1, DNX-N1 system, Ertrax, Ertrax system x x x x x x x x x