


This crude map of the galaxy gives us a visual representation of the current crop of Featured, Good and Comprehensive articles within our scope. Note that sectors, regions and hyperlanes are absent for now, and that not all of these articles were written by members of this project.

Our main focus for now is writing a Featured, Good or Comprehensive article for every grid on the map. There's 441 grids in total, 209 of which are currently unused. That's 232 grids for us to fill out!

Click here to update the map.

Deep Core Core Worlds Colonies Inner Rim Expansion Region Mid Rim Outer Rim Hutt Space Unknown Regions
Wild Space
Crd. C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W
1 x x x x x x x x x Belkadan x x x x x x x x x x x
2 x x x x x x x x Helska x x x x x x x x x x x
3 x x x x x x x Belladoon Danzik Stic Farana x x x x
4 x x x x x x x Korrus Vernid's second moon Chanceuxi, Zhadalene I'vorcia Prime Pippip 3 Tiss'Sharl x x x x
5 x x x x x Unidentified planet (Rarlech system)Rarlech system Didyma V Generis Yuvern Edusa, Junction Tal Pi QuermiaAlmania x x x
6 x x x x Namadii Uba IVBardelberan 7 Ardennia Urce Daro Phatrong Quell, Quell system Belderone, Felucia Medical Station HCTFF2Mohsenia, Troglofa Cadinth, Gallus, Lianna system Killun 71 Icindra, Mon Cala's moon x x
7 x x x Maher Dassal system's sun, Najra-VaThe Redoubt Tehar Melacon, Ramitrix Dor Nameth, Phelbos NacronisCaphexdis Hebekrr Major Keteeria PM-1203, PM-6986Abhean, Anzell, Mileva Voxx Cluster Baros x x
8 x x x Csilla's sun x x RoxuliDhandu PijalByrnum Maw, Moon of AvedotDrearia, Mefti Gorobei UbduriaBoosodia, Dwartii, Filordis, Orchis Gavriza, Rentaxius VIII Hylobi Metalorn Vaathkree Junkfort Station Tund system, Uaua x
9 x x x x Osseriton x x Boiyuh, Throffdon Xa FelDavnar II, Pantolomin Uviuy Exen Belnar, Yabol Opa Harkrova I, Imroosia, Ktil BravaisXibariz Nazzri, Vena Charros IVEnrivi system, Sabata Nepotis Gotar x x x
10 x x x x x x x Symbla Atale, Nacon, Starswarm Cluster BalmorraHumbarineLespectus Halais, Nen (star) Celegia Couronne UbrikkiaDeysum Haidoral Prime Nimban FormosDrualkiin, Prishella Reesaria x x
11 x x x x Rakata Prime x x x x Neri Britaxis Minor Jarbanov's moon Nar Haaska x x
12 x x x x x x Kitel Phard Kalist VIDulvoyinn, Lialic Dybrin, Sha Qarot's star Dead Moon of Antar, Korbori Gyndine Nixor x Hollastin x x
13 x x x x Freerock Deymasoll, Phu system KetzAnza Obumubo Cabarria Pasaana's moon Cuyacan Demiloch, Ketzali Ssori Fragments Arami x x
14 x x x x x Guagenia Kuliquo belt, ThyferraBernilla Bestine IVShahkir TynnaChadawa's sun, Risso Allanteen VIGamor Cularin Zone six Croce x x
15 x x x x Codia I, Codian MoonGannaria, Klytus V Delphidian Cluster Zenezia Azum Persis IXHarrin Linasals Eroudac Ando system Ord Pardron Roon RothanaPzob x x x
16 x x x Din Nebula, Din Pulsar, Kuna's Eye, Kuna's Fist, Kuna's Horn, Kuna's Tooth, Maya Kovel, Murk, Qina, Sanyassa, Thonner, UR-1060, UR-8827, UR-9353, Vasha, Zorbia Hyborea Chyron Blutopia, Noe'ha'on, Stennaros Urajab Kira, Pax, ZeHeth Kalinda, Oshira Rintonne Herdessa, Leesis, Mon Gazza, NelvaanYuw Wick 111 x x x
17 x x x x x x Lotho MinorChibbier, Vassek 3, Vassek systemVassek Beltire Abelor, Onod I Tiferep MajorGrizal's moon Najan-RoviDarkknell system Sanrafsix OnoamCelsor 3 VergessoTrigalis Yerbana Ryloth deepdock x x x x
18 x x x x x x Lipsec, Sump, Talpiddi, Virgillia system Shuldene Isde NahaAztubek Dolla Xagobah Gonda, Rior, Sharlissia Octero IV x x x x x
19 x x x x x Skye Thakwaa ActlyonBerrol's Donn Atravis Kerest KarazakSkynara, unidentified space station (Pantora) x x x x x x
20 x x x x x Mephout x Manpha Korbatal, Ost Malkar, Praknat 3, Taz Molkar, Trymant III Hasskyn x x x x x x x
21 x x x x x x Imynusoph x x x x x x x x x x x