


"Keep away from the prisoner, Commander."
―Voleyy, to Wedge Antilles[1]

Voleyy was a Human male guard in the New Republic detention center located on the planet Coruscant. In 7 ABY, Voleyy arranged for Rogue Squadron commander Wedge Antilles, and Tycho Celchu's lawyer, Nawara Ven, to visit Celchu in prison. Voleyy opened the transparisteel barrier that separated Celchu from his visitors but prohibited Antilles from having physical contact with his friend. When Ven asked Voleyy to leave the room, he complied.


"I'm going to be right out there. Anything funny happens, and you'll be spending a lot of time with this traitor."
―Voleyy, to Nawara Ven[1]

Tycho Celchu, an inmate under Voleyy's supervision

Voleyy was a Human male who served as a guard for a New Republic detention center on the planet Coruscant.[1] In 7 ABY,[2] Rogue Squadron executive officer Tycho Celchu was imprisoned while undergoing trial for the supposed murder of fellow Rogue pilot Corran Horn during their mission to retake Coruscant from the Galactic Empire.[1]

Wedge Antilles, the commander of the Rogues, and Nawara Ven, Celchu's lawyer, visited the prison and awaited Celchu in the visitation center. Voleyy opened the barrier made from transparisteel that separated the prisoner from his visitors. However, when Antilles rose from his seat and walked toward Celchu, Voleyy enforced the prison's security rules. He brandished his Stokhli spray stick, warning Antilles not to make physical contact with the prisoner. Voleyy then left the room when Ven asked for privacy to speak with his client.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"Voleyy isn't so bad, he just doesn't like things to get odd on his watch."
―Tycho Celchu[1]

Voleyy was a man with a portly appearance. As a prison guard, he preferred to maintain order and disliked any unusual occurrences under his supervision. Voleyy showed his disdain for Celchu by calling him a traitor to the New Republic, although Celchu thought that Voleyy was not as bad as some of the other guards who were itching for a justification to show their patriotism against a prisoner charged with murder and treason.[1]


Voleyy carried a Stokhli spray stick in his duties as a prison guard.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Voleyy was created by Michael A. Stackpole for his 1996 novel X-Wing: The Krytos Trap, the third volume in the Star Wars: X-Wing series.[1]


Notes and references[]

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