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"A vibro-lance."
"An electroshock weapon longer and lighter than a force pike. It has the same vibro-edged head but is balanced in such a way that it can also be hurled like a spear."
Darth Vader and Wilhuff Tarkin[2]

A vibro-lance was a shafted electroshock weapon that was fitted with a vibro-edged head. It was longer and lighter than a force pike, and balanced in such a way that it could also be thrown like a spear.[2]

Some of the Gamorrean Guards in Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine used vibro-lances.[1]

Wilhuff Tarkin considered himself to be an expert in the use of the vibro-lance. Still, he was impressed by the Jedi's skills with a lightsaber when he saw them training. When he was tested by Jova Tarkin in the Carrion Plateau on Eriadu, Tarkin had to spend an entire day at the Carrion Spike without food or water, only being allowed to carry a vibro-lance.[2]


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