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Ambush on Tatooine[]

Thank you for your advice Nayayen. As you can see in my sandbox (User:LelalMekha/sandbox2), I tried to combine my last edits and vwith your edits. I hope everything is fine this way, and I'd be glad if could take a look at this expanded draft. If it looks fine to you, I'll proceed and update the real article. --LelalMekha 14:01, April 5, 2012 (UTC)

  • You might want to go through it again with the advice I posted in mind; there are still some linking issues and cases of missing context. The 3rd paragraph of the "Ambush" section sounds like it is mainly from Maul's POV, when it should be from a neutral point of view. Saying things like the Tusken Raiders appeared "unexpectedly" is from Maul's POV (because the Tuskens were probably expecting it :P). You'll also need a Behind the scenes section if you want to nominate on the GAN page. If you tell me when you've completely finished the article, I'll gladly do what is called a pre-nom review: pointing out more obvious errors prior to nominating so that there aren't as many objections on the nomination later. Cheers, nayayen★talk 14:32, April 5, 2012 (UTC)
    • Well, I've been working on it. All the redirect issues have been fixed. If I'm not mistaken, everything is linked once in the infobox, intro and main body, and the plural forms have been implemented correctly. I also added a third image in the "aftermath" section, and also wrote a BtS section. Dealing with the POV issues was more complicated though -- I have a hard time finding the right words in English to describe things more objectively. :$ Still, I notably added that Maul thought he could defeat five of them easily. Afraid I did the best of my ability on this for the time being. But you advice was much needed (I didn't even know of that useful redirect gadget).--LelalMekha 23:25, April 5, 2012 (UTC)
      • Hello again. I've updated the "Ambush on Tatooine" article with the massive changes from my sandbox. If you're still willing to proof-read it before à GANom, I would be grateful. Cheers.--LelalMekha 11:31, April 15, 2012 (UTC)

New user[]

Nayayen, thank you for the greeting! I apologize for the abundance of recent edits - the last wiki I was on didn't have such restrictions, so I'll be more careful with my edits. Also, could you please help out with the recapture of Tythe and Battle of Nelvaan articles? I'm currently trying to fix both of them and explain the sequence of which they occur, and help would be appreciated. Thanks, Chip Brown 18:26, April 6, 2012 (UTC)

  • No worries, it isn't an explicit rule, just that we try to draw attention to it out of common sense seeing as Wookieepedia gets a lot of edits over a short time like that. As for helping with those articles, I'm not really familiar enough with the old Clone Wars cartoon to be of much help; I'd suggest perhaps asking someone like JangFett who is more familiar, or who would at least know people who are. Cheers, nayayen★talk 20:16, April 6, 2012 (UTC)

Public endorsement of Wookieepedia[]

Hi, Nayayen. I just wanted to address the concerns that you and MasterFred had concerning the nomination for the SWpocketmodels website—belated, I know, so sorry about that. You searched for a link and didn't find one, and I thought we had one on our Links page. However, I was confusing our link listings with that of a site affiliated with us (an unofficial non-profit online version of the game, SWPM Online). I will correct that isssue and make sure that Wookieepedia is on the official site's Links list sometime today or tomorrow. Additionally, one of our moderators who has been with the website since the beginning and who recently became a Wookieepedian—stlnprfln—will be at Celebration VI. We asked him a week ago if he could show SWPocketModels' support of the Wookieepedia and assist with the booth while he is there and he has volunteered to do so. Additionally, our website provides plenty of historical info on the miniatures that are found in the game. The pages contain links to all the related articles on the Wookieepedia, so that anybody that purchased the game would be able to learn more about the background of their miniatures by being redirected to Wookieepedia. Is this good enough public endorsement or is their something else that we are missing (aside from the link, of course, which will be rectified shortly)? —GethralkinHyperwave 19:27, April 6, 2012 (UTC)

  • No, what you've described sounds like the ideal sort of endorsement Wookieepedia would want, if not more (seeing as all you really get is a link on the main page, although that's worth a fair bit). If you ever nominate it for Official Friends again, I'll be glad to support it. Cheers, nayayen★talk 20:16, April 6, 2012 (UTC)
    • Meanwhile, I have popped up a link to Wookieepedia's FB page to our Facebook wall.[1]GethralkinHyperwave 04:31, April 7, 2012 (UTC)

RE:Image uploads[]

I intended it to replace the previous version with a better quality screenshot, only I just forgot to turn it into a jpg. In general, is the jpg format preferred? --R5-X41238-G8-R3-3124-D2 16:16, April 8, 2012 (UTC)

  • No worries, I already did so. For most images like screenshots and artwork scans, yes, the jpg format is most suitable as there are many colours. It's only for things with few colour changes (like logos, schematics and maps) or if the source material is provided as a png file (like the TCW webcomics) that png is really used. There are, naturally, instances where images that should ideally be jpgs are uploaded as pngs, but it's not really worth it to upload new versions as jpgs because of it. Cheers, nayayen★talk 16:28, April 8, 2012 (UTC)

WP:VG and Star Wars: 1313[]

Hey, Nayayen. I'd like to direct your attention to this. If you could check it out when you get a chance, I would appreciate it. Thanks.—Cal JediInfinite Empire (Personal Comm Channel) 18:21, June 1, 2012 (UTC)


I know how your a recent post moniter and id like to know why im up banning like really I'd like to fix it Unsigned comment by Han Solo64 (talk • contribs).


What did i do?

  • You're 9, which means you're violating COPPA. Cade Calrayn GalacticRepublicEmblem-Traced-TORkit 20:38, June 8, 2012 (UTC)

its my dads account he let me have it when he created it plz dont ban me is that bad

New Project[]

Would you consider working with me to fix the KOTOR wiki? The total people i'm asking to work with me NaruHina, Nayayen and Redemption. Fire-lord (If no one talks thing out, how will we ever have world peace?) ; 22:53, June 21, 2012 (UTC)

WP:VG one year anniversary[]

1313 preview
WookieeProject Video Games has completed its first year!
A year ago today, WookieeProject Video Games was founded. Although it started out rather small, it quickly grew to be currently one of the most productive WookieeProjects. In that year, WookieeProject Video Games has seen seven Featured articles, thirty-four Good articles, and sixty-five Comprehensive articles passed, a very impressive amount especially for such a short time.

WP:VG was founded by Cal Jedi on July 8, 2011 with a mission "to improve...video game articles and bring them up to date" and also to "bring all related articles to Featured article status, Good article status, and Comprehensive article status." WP:VG has answered the call to the best of its ability. Five days after its formation, Exiledjedi joined the Project. More and more users began joining, until now, the project has eleven members. On July 26, 2011, the Project gained its first Comprehensive article, Unidentified Bakuran astromech droid, taken to status by Cal Jedi. Shortly thereafter, WP:VG's first Good article, J'Meeb Gumb, was taken to status by Exiledjedi on August 17, 2011. WP:VG's first Featured article, Battle of Kessel (0 ABY), was brought to status on October 19, 2011 by a guest nominator, Kilson.

WP:VG has associated with many other WookieeProjects—such as WookieeProject The Old Republic, WookieeProject Knights of the Old Republic, WookieeProject Galaxies, and others—helping each other bring articles to status. Overall, Wookieepedia's video game articles have drastically improved. While many have been taken to status, many more have been worked on and improved through the efforts of WP:VG's members.

There are many Star Wars video games. From the very first Star Wars game, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, to the recently released Kinect Star Wars, WP:VG has been there to work on an area on Wookieepedia that needs much attention. With the many games that have been produced under the Star Wars title, a large amount of people have come to love Star Wars games. We have had some tremendous Star Wars games in the past, and as we look to the future, we can see many more promising Star Wars titles on the horizon. Star Wars: 1313 is just around the corner, and it will require much work. And that is not the end. There will be more Star Wars games in the future. WP:VG needs to be there to address their needs on Wookieepedia.

However, a WookieeProject is nothing without its members. An impressive amount of work has been done by Corellian Premier. He has done a lot of work taking care of the little details in video game articles—many of which would otherwise have been forgotten—and he has also done a fine job of doing a lot of "inside work" of WP:VG. Olioster has also been doing a tremendous job of late. He has recently nominated an impressive amount of articles from Star Wars Galaxies. Even though the game has been offline for quite some time now, he keeps carrying on in his work. Congratulations, though, go to all of WP:VG's members. Without the members, WP:VG would be nothing. Together, the members of WP:VG have done a wondeful work on Wookieepedia. WookieeProject Video Games has done a great job over the past year. May it continue to do even better in the years to come. May the Force be with the gamers!

Cal JediInfinite Empire (Personal Comm Channel) 01:17, July 8, 2012 (UTC)


I know you tagged the Wolfpack SVG with {{Imr}} but I think we should keep the old version as evidence for future investigations into its misuse. I could always delete it and try to restore it later, but the Wikia servers are notoriously fickle about that. -- Darth Culator (Talk) 15:42, October 8, 2012 (UTC)

  • Sure, it doesn't really hurt to keep it around and in any case I'll trust your judgement on this. Cheers, nayayen★talk 15:46, October 8, 2012 (UTC)


At 0:00 UTC (8:00 PM EST), I will be assuming responsibilities for leading this project, due to my predecessor Cylka's inactivity. Wherever she is, I wish her well in her endeavors, and should she come back, I will gladly turn over leadership back to her. Over the next few weeks, I look forward to reviewing more articles and also wish to get more KotOR-related projects off the ground, and look forward to moving forward to bettering this project and ultimately Wookieepedia. Thank you for your continued service to Wookieepedia.—Jedi Kasra ("Indeed.") 00:57, December 20, 2012 (UTC)

Happy New Year![]

Hey, I wanna wish you a happy new year! :) --XXLVenom998 (talk) 10:41, December 31, 2012 (UTC)

Permission for a pic.[]

I saw your pics on the website and I was wondering if I could get permission to use your Great War Jedi vs Sith.jpg for the banner for my guild's website. I thought that pic was awesome and fit our guild very well since we have mirror guilds for the Star Wars The Old Republic. -- 08:14, January 11, 2013 (UTC)Hilar

WP:VG milestone[]

Good day, gamers! WookieeProject Video Games has reached a new milestone. The members of WP:VG have taken 100 articles to Comprehensive status! The 100th article was Inspector-General, from the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II in-game databank. The full list of articles can be seen here. WP:VG and its members can be proud of the accomplishments we have made. As we near the two year mark of this ambitious project, we look back and see all the great progress and improvements we have made to Wookieepedia as a whole and the video game aspect of the wiki in particular. Most of these 100 articles would have probably been lost in the shuffle had it not been for the hard work, dedication, and patient perceptiveness of the users who comprise WP:VG. Out of all the current WookieeProjects, WookieeProject Video Games has the second highest amount of Comprehensive articles to its name. I would like to say good work and congratulations to all the members of WP:VG. Keep up the excellent job, and May the Force be with the Gamers!—Cal JediInfinite Empire (Personal Comm Channel) 20:41, May 28, 2013 (UTC)

CT Discussion[]

This is a discussion on letting a single user, such as myself, start a personal project to make broad-sweeping major changes to templates without notice to the community and as I see fit, having such changes protected and non-revertible without consensus track to reverse them. Please stop by and vote for or against. —GethralkinHyperwave 03:58, July 16, 2013 (UTC)

New WP:VG leadership[]

Hey, Nayayen, I just wanted to notify you of this. Cheers.—Cal JediInfinite Empire (Personal Comm Channel) 14:06, August 26, 2013 (UTC)


Hello there, this is your local tyrannical dictator project team lead. Now that things have settled down a bit I wanted to bring this to your attention. Anyway, check it out when you get a chance and leave a comment, and keep on trekkin'. Corellian PremierJedi symbolThe Force will be with you always 16:32, September 15, 2013 (UTC)

I see you[]

Been a while since I saw you in the RC. :P 1358 (Talk) 23:04, January 2, 2016 (UTC)

  • Only a few years :D User:Nayayen 23:05, January 2, 2016 (UTC)

Canon "cross of healing"[]

Hello there, Nayayen! Since you seem to be so good withe vectors, I wondered whether you could make a clean version of the "cross of healing" that appears on the E-50 Landseer and the T-5 Deliverance. Please note that I have absolutely no idea how hard it would be, so you don't have to feel forced to do it just to please me if it's too complicated. ;-) I just think it would be a nice addition to our gallery of logos and insignia. Cheers. --LelalMekha (talk) 13:54, January 23, 2016 (UTC)

Hi. Not sure how this message page works, but I'd like to see about using your Gungan (shield) image in my Darth Jar Jar fan fiction series as Darth Jar Jar/Palo's organization's symbol. I'd also like to use the image on my website - DarthJarJar.com.


DarthPalo (talk) 02:27, June 2, 2016 (UTC)DarthPalo

Article progress on Coorta[]

Hello Nayayen. I've been working on the article Coorta, I'm hoping to raise this article to Good, if not Featured article and I would like feedback on my progress. (Truthfulpietro (talk) 18:11, November 2, 2016 (UTC))
