


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"…And the stars! The stars are all wrong! I'm a navigator, and those two constellations haven't been in that configuration for… for… eight thousand years. Oh, no."
―The stormtrooper navigator[1]

A navigator served as part of a unit of three Galactic Empire stormtroopers in 0 ABY. That year, the unit pursued Princess Leia Organa of the Rebel Alliance to the world Bedlam, where the stormtroopers proceeded to chase her on foot. Both Organa and the troopers, however, then encountered the omnipotent transdimensional entities Tilotny, Horliss-Horliss, and Cold Danda Sine, who at the time were experimenting with affecting the physical reality.

Tilotny transformed one of the stormtroopers into diamond and later merged the two others into a single short-lived being. Subsequently the entity Splendid Ap was tasked with reversing those changes; however, since Splendid Ap had a limited understanding of the concepts of space and time, he ended up transporting the revived stormtroopers eight thousand years into the past. The navigator then noticed that fact by observing the relative configuration of a pair of constellations in Bedlam's sky.


A fatal encounter[]

Horliss-Horliss: "Did you style those as well, Tilotny?"
Cold Danda Sine: "Tilotny has repeated a shape. Dull, talentless Tilotny!"
Tilotny: "It…it was an oversight. Tilotny was distracted by your rudeness!"
―Horliss-Horliss, Cold Danda Sine, and Tilotny notice the three stormtroopers[1]

A navigator at one point served as a stormtrooper of the Galactic Empire.[1] In 0 ABY,[2] they were a part of a unit of three stormtroopers that pursued[1] Princess Leia Organa, a member of the Rebel Alliance,[3] to[1] the Mid Rim world Bedlam.[4] Forcing Organa to land her starship, the stormtroopers also set down their own vessel and pursued their quarry on foot. While fleeing across Bedlam's rock-and-dust-covered plains, Organa tripped over what turned out to be, to her bewilderment, a stormtrooper helmet whose pitted and corroded appearance suggested it had been lying there for millennia.[1]


An encounter with (center; left-to-right) Cold Danda Sine, Tilotny, and Horliss-Horliss proved fatal to the stormtrooper navigator and their unit.

The three stormtroopers eventually caught up with the princess. Like her, however, they paused at the sight of three[1] omnipotent, transdimensional,[3] and abstract entities[5]Tilotny, Horliss-Horliss, and Cold Danda Sine—discussing the physical shapes that they had recently manifested for themselves as well as those of Organa and the stormtroopers. Tilotny, who was claiming to have been responsible for forming everything in the physical world, felt ashamed by Cold Danda Sine's assumption that she had unoriginally "repeated" Organa's form in creating the stormtroopers.[1]

To prove her inventiveness, Tilotny then transformed one of the troopers into an effigy made of diamond. After Horliss-Horliss subsequently turned Organa's heart into diamond—a feat that was seen by Tilotny as much more "subtle" than hers—Tilotny turned her attention back toward the two remaining stormtroopers, who were beginning to discreetly back away. Tilotny transmuted the two soldiers into a single being with partially merged limbs—to a near-immediate lethal outcome.[1]


"We're in the past. Thousands of years in the past! By the time our own century rolls round we'll be nothing but… bones."
―The navigator's fellow stormtrooper[1]

At that point, Cold Danda Sine remarked that the fact that neither of the four beings they had encountered were "moving" anymore was a sign of Tilotny's "tastelessness," after which they and Horliss-Horliss, having become bored with the formation of shapes, prepared to depart. A fourth entity, Splendid Ap, was tasked with correcting the "disorder" that Tilotny had caused, which involved reviving Organa and the stormtroopers and returning them to their original state.[1]


Splendid Ap revived Leia Organa and the three stormtroopers and transported the latter into the past.

Having a limited understanding of the concepts of space and time, however, Splendid Ap transported the stormtroopers eight thousand years into the past. When the troopers regained consciousness, they noticed the undisturbed ground at the site they had previously landed their starship. The stormtrooper who was a navigator then also noticed a pair of constellations in Bedlam's sky that, by their time, had not been in such a configuration for eight millennia, leading the unit to realize they had been sent back in time. Meanwhile, Organa came to near the skeletal remains of a stormtrooper.[1]

Skills and abilities[]

The stormtrooper was knowledgeable enough in astronomy to notice that the relative position of two constellations in the sky of the world Bedlam had last been observable eight thousand years prior.[1]


The stormtrooper navigator donned stormtrooper armor and wielded a blaster rifle. Along with the rest of their unit, they used a starship that could be landed on a planetary surface.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The stormtrooper navigator first appeared in "Tilotny Throws a Shape," a comic story written by Alan Moore, penciled by John Stokes, and published in the 154th issue of Marvel Comics' The Empire Strikes Back Monthly comic-book series in February 1982.[1]



Notes and references[]

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