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"Imperial Knights—Defend your Emperor!"
―Antares Draco's command to the dark-haired Imperial Knight and several others[1]

A black-haired Human male was a member of the Imperial Knights in 137 ABY. In that year, he and many other members of his order accompanied Roan Fel, Emperor of the Empire-in-exile, to Agamar in order to conduct peace talks with representatives of the Jedi Order. All those involved with the negotiations disguised themselves as farmers, and several Imperial Knights, including the black-haired male, pretended to work on a field nearby to the talks. Everyone shed their disguises, however, when a Sith strike force arrived and attacked. The black-haired male fought in the ensuing skirmish, which ultimately saw the Emperor, as well as most of the Imperial Knights and Jedi, escape the planet.


In 137 ABY, a Human male with black hair was a member of the Imperial Knights,[1] an order of Force-users dedicated to the protection of Emperor Roan Fel and the preservation of his Empire.[2] In that year, Fel traveled to the planet Agamar to conduct peace talks with the Jedi Order in the hope of forging an alliance against the Empire led by the Sith Lord Darth Krayt. The black-haired male was one of many Imperial Knights who served as a bodyguard to Fel during the expedition. On the morning of the peace talks, everyone present disguised themselves as Agamarian farmers. While Fel and several Imperial Knight Masters spoke with four Jedi representatives on Agamar's grassy plains, the black-haired male and a group of other Knights stood away from the talks, promoting their farmer deception by pretending to work on a nearby field.[1][3]

After Fel and Jedi Master K'Kruhk negotiated a formal alliance between the two groups, the proceedings were interrupted by Nyna Calixte—the Director of Imperial Intelligence for Krayt's Empire—who was secretly aiding Fel. Riding a local animal, she charged into the field where the black-haired male was stationed and dismounted when two Imperial Knights fired blaster rifles at the beast. Calixte quickly told the assembled parties that Krayt's Sith were aware of the meeting and had sent a task force to capture or kill the Emperor.[3] A Sith strike team soon rose from some nearby swamps, and all farmer disguises were shed as a battle began. The black-haired male drew his lightsaber at a word from Antares Draco,[1] the leader of the Imperial Knights,[2] and every present Imperial Knight and Jedi fought off the attacking Sith in an effort to protect the Emperor. The ensuing combat saw at least ten Sith fall to Jedi and Imperial Knight blades, as well as to Calixte's blaster.[1] Several Jedi and Imperial Knights were slain as well,[4] but Fel, K'Kruhk, and most of the survivors were able to evacuate the melee on the escape shuttle Defender One.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

The black-haired male was a member of the Imperial Knights,[1] an organization whose membership was exclusive to those who displayed potential in using the Force. Imperial Knights were said to be among the most talented and dangerous Force-users in the galaxy.[2]


He wore Imperial Knight armor and used the order's standard lightsaber.[1] On Agamar, the Imperial Knight donned farmer's robes.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The black-haired Imperial Knight was created by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema for the comic series Star Wars: Legacy, and first appeared in its forty-fifth issue,[3] which was released on February 24, 2010.[5]


Notes and references[]
