

For other uses, see unidentified human pilot.

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"I've been waiting for my chair to be fixed. How am I supposed to fly a ship standing up? And where are you signing up these copilots from? The backward farms on this dump?"
"I'll have you know these backward farmers are the reason you have any work."
―The pilot, and Julen Rakab[1]

A human male pilot worked for the Ohnaka Transport Solutions company on the planet Batuu by the time of the war between the First Order and the Resistance. In 34 ABY, he visited his employer's Batuu office and sought out his supervisor, the Karkarodon Lee Skillen, to complain about his ship's broken chair and the co-pilots she had assigned him. After the pilot briefly argued with the farmer Julen Rakab about Batuu's local farmers, Skillen had him escorted away by the protocol droid G1-MD, who would find him a new astromech droid to fly with.


"Hey, now. If you can't handle the environment, then get off my launchpad. I'm sure Hondo can find another flyboy who can navigate standing up in a pinch."
―Lee Skillen, to the pilot[1]

The pilot worked for Ohnaka Transport Solutions (logo pictured).

By the time of the war between the First Order and the Resistance, a human male pilot worked for the Ohnaka Transport Solutions company on the Outer Rim planet Batuu. At some point, he began working with several co-pilots from the company that were assigned to assist him in transporting the company's deliveries across the galaxy. Over time, the man became annoyed with the incompetence of the individuals his supervisor, the Karkarodon Lee Skillen, had paired him with.[1]

In 34 ABY,[2] the pilot returned to Batuu after making a delivery run for his employer. While at the company's Batuu office, he sought out Skillen to complain that the chair in his starship had yet to be repaired. When the pilot insinuated that the local Batuuan farmers living on the world were useless, he briefly argued with the farmer Julen Rakab when the latter was offended by his comments. As the man aggressively stepped toward Rakab, Skillen batted him away and grinned, showing off her sharp teeth to get him to stand down. The supervisor briskly dismissed the pilot's snark, telling him their boss, the former pirate Hondo Ohnaka, could find another person to employ if he chose to leave. She then instructed the protocol droid G1-MD to find him a new astromech droid with which to fly.[1]

Personality and traits[]

By 34 ABY,[2] the pilot had an elderly appearance and a scar on his cheek. The Ohnaka Transport Solutions employee had red hair and frizzy eyebrows. The man was often annoyed with Skillen for assigning him co-pilots that he felt had mediocre skills. He also felt that Batuu was a dump of a planet and looked down upon its residents.[1]


While on Batuu, the pilot had access to a ship and an astromech droid at his Ohnaka Transport Solutions job.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The pilot appeared in A Crash of Fate, a 2019 young-adult novel written by Zoraida Córdova.[1]


Notes and references[]
