

For other uses, see unidentified Mon Calamari.

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"What's a kibbin?"
"I don't know. This guy's scary."
―The youngling's sibling and her[1]

A Mon Calamari youngling lived on the planet Tenoo. In 232 BBY, while fishing for channelfish, the bounty hunter Ansen Strung and Jedi youngling Lys Solay asked her and her sibling about the whereabouts of a kibbin, which they did not know.


"My sister thinks she saw something take it from the boat."
―The youngling's sibling[1]

A female Mon Calamari youngling resided on the planet Tenoo.[1] In 232 BBY,[2] she and her sibling were fishing in search of channelfish, but their catch went missing. While the Mon Calamari tried to figure out what had happened, the bounty hunter Ansen Strung harshly asked if the siblings had seen a kibbin. His abruptness startled them, so they began to leave. Lys Solay, a Jedi youngling with Strung, stopped them, inquiring more gently if they had seen a creature on a datapad she presented. They had not, but the female youngling's sibling told them about their lost channelfish and that the sister thought she saw something take off with it.[1]

Strung then demanded to see the empty bucket, which scared the Mon Calamari again. He begrudgingly added "please" per Solay's nudging. The siblings smiled at each other, and the sister gave Strung the empty bucket. Another Jedi youngling who was with them, Nubs, then noticed kibbin tracks, leading them off in another direction.[1] Both siblings later attended Visitor's Day on Tenoo, which attracted guests from all over the galaxy.[3]

Personality and traits[]

"Yeah. Okay."
―The youngling, after Strung relented[1]

The youngling had yellow eyes and orange-mottled skin.[1]


The Mon Calamari wore a green sweater, beige pants, and brown shoes.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Mon Calamari appeared in "The Missing Kibbin," the second part of the seventh episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures's first season,[1] which was released on May 4, 2023.[4] The youngling was voiced by Danielle Guilbot.[1]


Notes and references[]
