

For other uses, see unidentified Jedi Master.

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"That was one of the Jedi accompanying Bastila. Damn, we could have used her help!"
―Trask Ulgo, after witnessing the Jedi's death[2]

A Human female Jedi Master served the Jedi Order during the time of the Jedi Civil War in 3956 BBY. She was one of several Jedi who accompanied Jedi Padawan Bastila Shan on the Republic Hammerhead-class cruiser Endar Spire when a Sith fleet ambushed and boarded the ship above the Outer Rim planet of Taris. During the battle, she engaged a Dark Jedi invader in a hallway aboard the vessel. She was able to defeat and kill the man, but the wall behind her exploded moments later, killing her.


"It's a Dark Jedi! This fight is too much for us—we better stay back. All we'd do is get in the way"
―Trask Ulgo, to Revan while watching the Jedi's duel[2]

The Jedi duels a Dark Jedi aboard the Endar Spire.

A Force-sensitive[2] woman[3] was a member of the Jedi Order and a Jedi Master[4] by 3956 BBY[1] during the Jedi Civil War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.[2] That year,[1] she accompanied Jedi Padawan Bastila Shan on the Republic Hammerhead-class cruiser Endar Spire, which was dispatched to the Outer Rim ecumenopolis of Taris to defeat the Sith fleet preparing to invade the planet. However, the Sith flagship, the Leviathan, was stationed above Taris to pull the Endar Spire out of hyperspace. The Endar Spire, whose crew was unaware of the flagship, fell prey to the subsequent ambush and was boarded by a Sith battle fleet led by Darth Bandon, the apprentice of the incumbent Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Malak.[2]

During the attack, the Jedi encountered a Dark Jedi who had boarded the Endar Spire and engaged them in lightsaber combat as parts of the ship's hallway exploded around her. Republic soldier Trask Ulgo and former Sith Lord Revan, whose memories had been erased and replaced with those of a soldier loyal to the Republic, entered the hallway during the duel's conclusion. Ulgo suggested to Revan that the two not get involved with the battle, believing they would only interfere with the Jedi's ability to win. After locking blades several more times, the Jedi managed to hit the Dark Jedi, resulting in their demise. Just as the fight ended, a section of the wall behind the Jedi exploded, killing her. Ulgo expressed frustration to Revan, saying that the Jedi would have been helpful during their escape from the ship.[2]

Personality and traits[]

The Jedi Master was a fair-skinned Human with blue eyes and long black hair.[2]

Powers and abilities[]

The Jedi was adept enough in lightsaber combat to kill an invading Dark Jedi[2] while also possessing the knowledge and skills required to become a Jedi Master.[4]


As a member of the Jedi Order, the Jedi wielded a blue lightsaber and wore standard beige and brown Jedi robes. She also wore a brown utility belt, mauve pants, and brown gloves and boots. She wore her hair in a ponytail secured by a black cloth. At the time of her death, she carried a vibration cell used to upgrade melee weapons and an adrenal strength stimulant.[2]

Behind the scenes[]


An alternate appearance of the Jedi

The Jedi Master first appeared as a non-playable character in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, a 2003 video game developed by BioWare. The player encounters the Jedi in an unavoidable cutscene, during which she dies. The player may then pick up a vibration cell and a stimulant from her remains. No interactions with the Jedi progress quests or change alignment. Game files Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic describe the Jedi Master as a male Sith apprentice.[2]

The Jedi shares her appearance with one of the possible choices for a female player character. Should the player choose that particular face during the initial part of the game, the Jedi Master's appearance will change accordingly, taking another of Revan's potential faces with green eyes and dark hair pulled into a long ponytail.[2] Canonically, in regards to the Star Wars Legends continuity, Revan is confirmed to be male by the 2008 Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, published by Wizards of the Coast,[5] meaning the original appearance would be used. The face is reused throughout the game, and as such, the Jedi shares her appearance with several other non-playable characters.[2]

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, published in 2003 by Prima Games and written from the perspective of Revan, stated that the woman was one of "your own Jedi Masters."[4]


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