


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"I don't want to get into any trouble with the Empire. I'm just an honest, hard-working merchant."
―The merchant, to an Imperial spy[1]

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, a human merchant ran a stall at a market located in Jedha City on the moon Jedha. At one point, the trader encountered an Imperial spy at her stall; wishing to avoid any unpleasant situations with the Empire, the former gave the latter a pilgrim's ritual pendant as a gift.


"Here, take it. This is my gift to you. It's a pilgrim's ritual pendant."
―The merchant, to an Imperial spy[1]

As a gift, the merchant gave an Imperial spy a pilgrim's ritual pendant.

A merchant operated on[1] the moon[2] Jedha during the reign of the Galactic Empire. She ran a stall in one of the main markets on Jedha, situated in Jedha City.[1] At one point by 1 BBY,[3] the lone trader encountered at the stall an Imperial spy who was visiting the market in order to acquire goods to trade to the profiteer Jalice Andit. Upon seeing the spy, who was carrying a commercial license for operating in Jedha's markets, the merchant paled. Stating that she wished to avoid causing any problems with the Empire and characterizing herself as an honest and hard-working trader, she then gave a pilgrim's ritual pendant, worth fourteen credits, to the spy as a gift. After the encounter, the spy, who also visited markets located outside Jedha City, ultimately went to meet Andit in the Deserted Canyon.[1]

Personality and traits[]

The merchant was a human with light skin, dark hair, and blue eyes.[1]


The merchant wore layered clothing consisting of a brown coat over red and yellow inner garments. On her head, the trader wore a tan-and-brown scarf. At her Jedha City market stall, the merchant showcased several pendants as well as artifacts that incorporated roots in their design.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The merchant appeared in "Secret Mission on Jedha," a scenario of the 2020 Space Cowboys card game Unlock!: Star Wars Escape Game.[1]


Notes and references[]
