


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"Code approved. Welcome home, Vonreg."
"Acknowledged, Starkiller Base. Inform Captain Phasma I have returned."
―The comm officer and Elrik Vonreg[1]

An individual was a comm officer for the First Order.[1] In 34 ABY,[2] they were stationed at Starkiller Base[1]—the First Order's superweapon built into the planet Ilum[3]—when Major Elrik Vonreg exited hyperspace in his TIE/ba interceptor near the base after being away on a mission. They ordered Vonreg to transmit his clearance code and, upon receiving it, welcomed the major. Vonreg then requested the comm officer inform Captain Phasma of his return.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

"Code approved. Welcome home, Major Vonreg!"
―The comm officer's altered dialogue in the comic adaptation "The Recruit - Part 2"[4]

The comm officer first appeared, albeit only through voice, in the second part of "The Recruit,"[1] the two-part premiere episode of the first season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on October 7, 2018.[5] The character was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker and credited as "First Order Comm Officer."[1] In the comic adaptation "The Recruit - Part 2," which was written by Alec Worley and published in the second issue of the Star Wars Resistance Animation magazine by Panini Verlag[4] on July 17, 2019,[6] the comm officer's dialogue is altered to refer to Vonreg as "Major."[4]


Notes and references[]
