


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"All right, then. Everybody out. We'll sort through the lot of you."
―The Czerka staffer, to a group of enslaved workers — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

A staffer working for the Czerka Corporation lived during the Republic Era. In 40 BBY, he was stationed aboard the Leverage, a Czerka Corporation cruiser, while it was in orbit of the Inner Rim planet Pijal. The staffer was put in charge of a group of enslaved workers that took a ride on a soulcraft ship as part of a religious practice. After the soulcraft landed safely in the Leverage's docking bay with the assistance of the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, the staffer readily agreed to take the pair to the lord regent of Pijal, Rael Averross.


"Don't recognize that getup. Slave or free?"
―The Czerka staffer, to the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi (pictured) met the staffer aboard the Leverage after saving a soulcraft.

During the Republic Era, a staffer worked for the Czerka Corporation while it was operating on the Inner Rim planet Pijal.[1] In 40 BBY,[2] he was stationed aboard the Leverage, a Czerka Corporation cruiser, while the vessel was in Pijal's orbit. The staffer was put in charge of a group of Czerka's enslaved workers that took a ride on a soulcraft, a type of spherical ship used for religious worship on Pijal.[1]

While in space, the soulcraft containing the staffer's group of workers was hit with a plasma bomb, a type of explosive weapon. Two Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, mitigated the effects of the plasma bomb attack and rescued the passengers. After the soulcraft landed safely in the Leverage's docking bay, the staffer began to bark orders at the enslaved workers. Jinn and Kenobi approached him, asking to be taken to Pijal's lord regent, Rael Averross. The pair surprised the staffer, causing him to hit his head on the top of an airlock. The staffer readily agreed to the Jedi's request, quickly assigning a protocol droid to take them to the regent. Jinn then asked him to have the enslaved workers looked over by a medical droid, to which he agreed.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"Sir! Yes, of course. The lord regent is on board. We'll take you to him immediately."
―The Czerka staffer, to Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

When dealing with his group of workers, the staffer confidently ordered them around, barking out clear and explicit orders. However, upon encountering the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi and realizing they were free individuals, the employee addressed them respectfully. The staffer promptly agreed to help the pair find Pijal's lord regent, Rael Averross, and readily agreed to have the rescued passengers checked over by a medical droid at Jinn's suggestion.[1]


"See that everyone here is checked out by a medical droid. The plasma fire could've caused unseen lung damage."
"Sir! Absolutely, sir. Right away."
―Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and the Czerka staffer — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

As an employee of the Czerka Corporation, the staffer had access to a protocol droid, whom he ordered to bring Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to Rael Averross. While in charge of a group of Czerka's enslaved workers, he also had access to medical droids to oversee their care.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Czerka staffer appeared in Master & Apprentice, a 2019 novel written by Claudia Gray.[1] While writing Master & Apprentice, Gray sought to use active wording such as "enslaved" rather than referring to someone as a "slave." However, she also indicated that Czerka Corporation was created to represent an evil entity that did not care about objectifying living beings and that its members[3]—including the staffer[1]—would call their workers "slaves" in a derogatory way as part of their character.[1]


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