


"Once I'm plugged in, I can feed Trench strategies, but this time, you'll know every move before he makes it."
"And you are certain that if we get you onboard that ship that you can convince Trench's army to do what you want?"
―Clone Corporal Echo and Mace Windu[1]

Trench's army was an army of the Separatist Droid Army that was active during the Clone Wars and was led by Admiral Trench. The army participated in the Battle of Anaxes until it was annihilated when Trench's fleet was destroyed and all forces on the ground were disabled.[1]


Trench's army contained multiple legions[5] and battalions,[4] incorporating several different battle droid models used within the Separatist Alliance's armed forces, such as B1-series battle droids,[1] B2-series super battle droids[3] and B2 super rocket troopers,[1] BX-series droid commandos, DSD1 dwarf spider droids, and OOM command battle droids. It also consisted of several T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droids,[3] HMP droid gunships, and J-1 proton cannons.[1] For artillery, the army also incorporated several Armored Assault Tank Mk Is, Flitknot Speeder Bikes, Multi-Troop Transports, and airspeeders.[3]

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