

For other uses, see Trellen (disambiguation).

Trellen was a world situated in the Core Worlds, at the junction of the Hydian Way and Trellen Trade Route hyperlanes. A part of the Galactic Republic since at least 17,000 BBY, millennia later, Trellen served as a Galactic Empire fortress world as well as a stronghold of the New Republic. In 10 ABY, Imperial forces attacked Trellen as part of their emergence from the Deep Core.


Trellen was a world located in the Trellen system. It lay in the Arrowhead region, a part of the Slice portion of the Core Worlds. Trellen was situated between the Mawan and Ruul systems on the super-hyperroute known as the Hydian Way. It was also located at the endpoint of the Trellen Trade Route, which linked it to the Humbarine system.[1]



Trellen was attacked by the Galactic Empire in 10 ABY.

Trellen fell within the borders of the Galactic Republic as early as 17,000 BBY, and during the early Alsakan Conflicts, a series of wars that began in 17,018 BBY and saw the Republic's capital world Coruscant, the planet Alsakan, and their respective allies struggle over political and economic control over the Republic, Trellen was affiliated with Coruscant.[2]

Between 6 ABY and 8 ABY, Trellen was a fortress world of the Galactic Empire, but by 9 ABY, it had instead become a New Republic stronghold. A battle was fought at Trellen in 10 ABY as part of a concentrated attack on New Republic holdings by Imperial forces emerging from hiding in the Deep Core, after which the Imperial offensive continued onto the Colonies planet Balmorra.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Trellen was introduced in the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, which placed it in grid square M-10.[1]


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