


Toshdor Ni was a towering Lorrdian male member of the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance who took a vow of silence and used heavy concealing robes to try and hide his species' natural expressiveness. He and other members of the Brotherhood made a pilgrimage to Jedha City on the moon Jedha. In 1 BBY, he was present in one of the markets of the city shortly before it was destroyed by the Galactic Empire's Death Star superweapon.



Toshdor Ni (left) visited Jedha City on a pilgrimage.

Toshdor Ni was a Lorrdian male member of the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance who took a vow of silence[1] alongside those who followed him.[2] He and other members of the Brotherhood[1] led by the High Priest[3] made a pilgrimage to Jedha City on the sacred moon Jedha.[1] In 1 BBY,[4] Ni walked through one of the city's markets alone and then later walked alongside[5] the Disciple of the Whills Killi Gimm[1] and the partisan Joali Andit[6] while trailed by another member of the Brotherhood as the group passed between rows of market stalls. Shortly afterward, the Galactic Empire destroyed Jedha City with the superlaser of its Death Star superweapon.[5]

Personality and traits[]

Toshdor Ni was a spiritual truth seeker who traveled far and wide in search of answers to deep, metaphysical questions. Despite his vow of silence, Ni's formidable stance and body language often did the talking for him[2] as all Lorrdians possessed a marked expression, as well as a natural odor. He used his clothing to conceal this expression and respect his vow,[3] although it did not completely hide the natural expressiveness of his stance and movements.[1]

Skills and abilities[]

Toshdor Ni had far above average intelligence and was slightly Force-sensitive but had slightly below average strength and speed and far below average diplomatic skills and fighting abilities.[2]


Toshdor Ni wore the heavy fabric vestments of the Brotherhood with the concealing vermilion and yellow robes acting as a physical vow of silence. They were permeated with the smoke of the Qatameric incense that he burned in a metallic staff-mounted censer that he carried, masking the Lorrdian's natural scent.[1]

Behind the scenes[]


"Jedha Extra Version 7C" by Adam Brockbank

Toshdor Ni was created for the Anthology Series film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.[5] Prior to the film's release on December 16, 2016, the character was first depicted in the second story trailer for Rogue One, which was released on October 13, 2016.[7] The character was first identified in the accompanying reference book Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, which was written by Pablo Hidalgo[1] and released on the same day as the film.[8]

The character's name appears to be a partial tuckerization[1] of the name of Rodney Tosh, one of the film's stunt performers who portrayed one of the Lorrdians in the film.[9] Concept art of the costume worn by Ni and other members of the Brotherhood titled "Jedha Extra Version 7C" was drawn by costume concept artist Adam Brockbank.[10]


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