


"The Scarlet Skull was here. He robbed me, you see. He stole supplies from me and left. All of my food, all of the special tip-yip jerky I was saving… I'd had that jerky for decades and now it's gone!"
―Kunpar Vasivola lying to Vark Tarpalin[1]

Tip-yip jerky was a type of jerky made from tip-yips,[1] a type of bird.[2] During the Nihil marauders' occupation of the Outer Rim planet Valo[1] in 229 BBY,[3] Nihil commander Vark Tarpalin interrogated Jedi Master Kunpar Vasivola for the whereabouts of the "Scarlet Skull" saboteur—who was actually the Master's Padawan, Ram Jomaram, operating under a code name. Kunpar pretended to be a helpless caretaker of the world's Jedi temple and lied to the man that the Scarlet Skull had broken into the structure and stolen his tip-yip jerky. When he sobbed that he had kept the treat for decades, the Valon Nihil Idrax Snat teared up at the tale.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Tip-yip jerky was mentioned in Escape from Valo, a 2024 junior novel written by Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[4]


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Notes and references[]
