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The Third Guard was an Elite Praetorian Guard who served as a personal guard of Supreme Leader Snoke, leader of the First Order. While serving the Supreme Leader, the Third Guard used a Bilari electro-chain whip. The guard was killed on board the Supremacy when Kylo Ren, Snoke's apprentice, betrayed the Supreme Leader with the help of Rey, another Force-sensitive individual. Together they defeated and killed all of the Elite Praetorian Guards in the throne room.[2]


The Third Guard was a member of the Elite Praetorian Guardcrimson warriors who served as the personal bodyguards of Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order.[4] The Third Guard was stationed in Snoke's throne room along with the other Praetorian Guards at the time of Kylo Ren's audience with the Supreme Leader[2] in 34 ABY.[1] Angered by Snoke's disapproving appraisal of his defeat on Starkiller Base,[5] the Master of the Knights of Ren took a step in his master's direction, causing the Third Guard to snap into a combat stance against the dark apprentice as his fellows.[6]

The Third Guard was still present in the throne room when Ren returned with the Jedi learner Rey as his prisoner. However, instead of executing the former scavenger as Snoke ordered, Ren chose to assassinate his master—resulting in a confrontation between the two Force-sensitives and the Praetorian Guards. Like the other Praetorians, the Third Guard attempted to avenge the slain Supreme Leader,[6] engaging the traitorous apprentice and Rey. After the death of one of his fellow guards, the Third Guard entangled the Skywalker lightsaber with his Bilari electro-chain whip and pulled her towards him, after which he grabbed her from the throat to pierce it with the sharp edge of his weapon. But the Third Guard underestimated the young apprentice's skills: Rey broke free from the weapon and fatally cut the Third Guard from his groin to the back. The remaining Praetorians were soon killed also.[2]

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