

Template documentation follows
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Visit Template:SWYouTube/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)

This template is to be used for citing individual videos on the official Star Wars YouTube channel. For episodes of The Star Wars Show, Star Wars: The High Republic Show, or This Week! in Star Wars, please use {{StarWarsShow}}, {{HighRepublicShow}}, and {{ThisWeek}} respectively.


Copy the template code below and paste it into the appropriate place in an article, fill the required fields, and remove any that you don't use.


Required parameters[]

  • |video= Use the alphanumeric part of the url that comes after "watch?v=" in the url. Please do not include anything other than this.
  • |text= Title of the video.
  • For archive options, see Backup links below.

Optional parameters[]

  • |date= Date the YouTube video was published online. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  • |sw_url= Link to the StarWars.com reposting of the same video. All of the below backup-related parameters are also available if necessary, only with sw_ as a prefix.

Backup links[]


{{SWYouTube|video=bhBGb8J9vsI|text=Star Wars: Phantom Menace 20th Anniversary Celebration Live Panel|date=2019-04-15|archivedate=20200618055559}}

Results in:

SWYTlogo Star Wars: Phantom Menace 20th Anniversary Celebration Live Panel on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (April 15, 2019) (backup link)