

Template documentation follows
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Visit Template:SW/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)


This template is to be used for StarWars.com content published, or still available, after the official site's revamp on September 13, 2011 or after the revamp of early 2014. Content from before this period is identifiable either by the use of .html in filename (http://www.starwars.com/patch/filename.html) or by the complete removal of a selection of the website sections (and url paths) by early 2014 (ex: Shop).

For content published prior to the 2011 and 2014 revamps and not available anymore at any time after the 2014 revamp, use {{SWArchive}}.

For the original, pre-revamp Databank, use {{DB}}.


Copy the template code below and paste it into the appropriate place in an article, fill the required fields, and remove any that you don't use.


All fields need to be explicitly assigned to; otherwise, use of the "=" symbol in the URLs messes up the template.

Required parameters

  • |url= The URL of the page, minus https://www.starwars.com/.
  • |text= The formatted text to display.
  • For archive options, see Backup links below. Note: the default values for dates are centralized at Module:ArchiveAccess/SW. This template will use the default value when omitting archivedate or archiveurl, but either can be provided to override the default value.

Optional parameters

  • |subdomain= The subdomain part of the URL between https:// and .starwars.com/ if its not www. Default is www if left blank.
  • |int= This field provides a link to the Wookieepedia article, if one exists.
  • |author= Name(s) of the author(s). Multiple authors must be separated with a ";" between their names. Note that an author is not necessarily an individual and could be an organization. A long list of authors can be reduced using ", et al." after the first name. Provide wikilinks whenever they are available.
  • |date= Full date of publication, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, for example "date=2006-02-17".
  • |quote= Relevant quote from the StarWars.com page. Double-quotes will be added automatically.
  • |oldversion= Set to 1 when the information is not present on the current version of the webpage, necessitating a custom archivedate.

Backup links


{{SW|url=news/star-wars-is-being-kick-started-with-dynamite|text=Star Wars Is Being Kick-Started with Dynamite|date=2013-01-25}}

Results in:

StarWars Star Wars Is Being Kick-Started with Dynamite on StarWars.com (January 25, 2013) (backup link)

int and nolive=1

{{SW|url=news/star-wars-the-essential-atlas-online-companion|text=''Star Wars: The Essential Atlas'' Online Companion|int=Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion|date=2012-10-25|nolive=1}}

Results in:

StarWars Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (October 25, 2012) (content now obsolete; backup link)


{{SW|subdomain=shop|url=catalog/product.xml?topcatID=1300264;product_id=1314666;category_id=1300760|text=The Clone Wars Action Figure Case Pack 2009 Wave 7|nobackup=1}}

Results in:

StarWars The Clone Wars Action Figure Case Pack 2009 Wave 7 on StarWars.com (content obsolete and backup link not available)