


Usage instructions

Paste the following code at the beginning of the article, filing all relevant fields. If a field doesn't apply, just leave it blank.


Data Fields

  • image - Put a link to an image associated with religion (depiction of worship, emblem, etc.)
  • name - Put the name of the religion
  • leader - Put the title of the leader (not an individual's name), e.g. High Priestess
  • governing - Put the governing body, e.g. High Circle of Elders
  • positions - Put the various positions (titles) members of the religion hold in its hierarchy, e.g. Abbot, Priest
  • organizations - Put the name of sub-groups; i.e., groups that are accepted by the main body, e.g. The Tribe was a sub-group of the Children of the Watch
  • sects - Put the name of sects; i.e., groups that have split off from the main body e.g. the Frangawl Cult was a sect of the Dagoyan Order
  • headquarters - Put the name of the headquarters (often where the governing body resides), e.g. Jedi Temple
  • language - Put the language of worship, e.g. Sith (language)
  • affiliated - Put non-religious organizations or groups that are smaller than the religion, e.g. the Antarian Rangers are affiliated with the Jedi Order
  • text - Put the names of the holy texts, e.g. G'nnoch
  • deities - Put the names of the deities, e.g. Quay
  • locations - Put the locations of temples and/or other places of worship, e.g. Akar Kesh or Naboo
  • artifacts - Put relics and/or artifacts associated with the religion, e.g. Talisman of Age
  • ceremonies - Put ceremonies and/or rituals associated with the religion, e.g. Consecration Ceremony
  • holidays - Put holidays observed by adherents of the religion, e.g. Month of Plenty
  • founding - Put the date the religion was founded on
  • planet - Put the planet the religion originated at
  • founder - Put the name of the founder of the religion
  • collapse - Put the date of the religion's collapse (if applicable), e.g. the Cult of M'dweshuu collapsed after Hutt bombardment in 25,100 BBY
  • restore - Put the date of the religion's restoration (if applicable), e.g. the New Jedi Order was restored in 138 ABY.
  • affiliation - Put the non-religious organizations or bodies (e.g. governments) that are larger than the religion that the religion affiliates itself with, e.g. the Galactic Republic