

Template documentation follows
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This template is to be used for citing individual pages on Reddit.


Copy the template code below, fill the required fields, and remove any that you don't use.


Required parameters[]

  • |url= URL of the web page, minus the domain name (https://www.reddit.com/).
  • |thread= Title of the thread where the Reddit post is being cited.

Optional parameters[]

  • |user= Username (not real name) of the author of the post. May be wikilinked.
  • |date= Date the Reddit post was published online. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  • |quote= Relevant quote from the Reddit post. Users are encouraged to utilize this optional field in the template whenever possible.

Backup links[]


{{Reddit|url=r/StarWars/comments/5k6cq4/anybody_know_the_names_of_two_particular_star/dbme8sm|thread=Anybody know the names of two particular Star Destroyers that appear in Rogue One?|user=[[John Knoll|JohnKnoll]]|date=2016-12-25|quote=The two ships are the Persecutor and the Intimidator. Affectionately known to the crew at ILM as Timmy and Percy.|archiveurl=https://archive.ph/NWSzu}}

Results in:

RedditLogo Anybody know the names of two particular Star Destroyers that appear in Rogue One? on Reddit by JohnKnoll (on December 25, 2016): "The two ships are the Persecutor and the Intimidator. Affectionately known to the crew at ILM as Timmy and Percy." (backup link)