

Template documentation follows
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The purpose of this template was to provide as much information as possible about each link to the Jedi Council Forums so that when the boards were moved to the new format in 2012, the then-broken links could be easily updated. Ideally, every link to a post on this list should use this template. This template should continue to be used even though the move is over, as it will enable easy reconstruction of the links should the boards ever move again.

This template should be used for all links, including both references and external links, to make reconstruction of the links as easy as possible if the format ever changes again.


For posts


For threads


For forums


Required parameters[]

  • |temp= Should be added to the code and set to any non-null value ("yes" is recommended for ease of understanding the code) if you are linking to the temp boards that were up while the move was in progress. Setting this parameter with alter the URL path to match that used on the temp boards (unless using the |url= parameter), and will also change the subdomain from boards.theforce.net to gd.theforce.net to enable registered users to click the link to the temp boards without getting logged out on the new boards (this does work with the |url= parameter).
  • |postnum= Number of the post, which can be obtained by clicking on the gray number in the lower right corner of the post (do not use that number) and taking the number from the end of the URL at the top of the pop-up box (following post-).
  • |threadnum= Number of the thread, which can be obtained by extracting the number out of the URL, immediately following the thread title and a period. Not needed and will be ignored if |postnum= is specified.
  • |forumnum= Number of the forum, which can be obtained by extracting the number out of the URL of the thread list, immediately following the board title and a period. Not needed and will be ignored if |postnum= or |threadnum= is specified.
  • |board= Name of the individual board (e.g. "Literature") that the post is located in.
  • |thread= Title of the thread the post is located in.
  • |user= Username (not real name) of the author of the post.
  • |PTtime= Date- and timestamp of the post in Pacific Time (the JCF's official timezone).
  • |accessdate= Date the post was last accessed. Will be automatically converted to standard American mdy format (i.e. July 29, 2024) and linked. This parameter is optional but strongly recommended.

Either "postnum", "threadnum", or "forumnum". All other fields except "accessdate" are required for individual posts. "user" and "PTtime" are not required for general links to threads that do not refer to an individual post.

Optional parameters[]

  • |quote= Optional quote parameter.


Using the |postnum=

{{JCFcite|postnum=23173257|board=Literature|thread="Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous" by Abel & Joe (SWI #86)|user=[[Abel G. Peña|Halagad_Ventor]]|PTtime=Feb 15, 2006 at 2:27 PM|accessdate=2013-02-03|archiveurl=https://archive.is/EzuGm}}

Results in:

JCF-favicon "Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous" by Abel & Joe (SWI #86) on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; posted by Halagad_Ventor on Feb 15, 2006 at 2:27 PM; accessed February 3, 2013) (backup link)

Using the |threadnum=

{{JCFcite|threadnum=50055882|board=Literature|thread=Flashback: National Newspaper Coverage of the Finale of "Vector Prime"/Chewbacca|user=xezene|PTtime=[[May 22]], [[2021]], 2:44 PM|accessdate=20210326|archivedate=20210326232446}}

Results in:

JCF-favicon Flashback: National Newspaper Coverage of the Finale of "Vector Prime"/Chewbacca on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; posted by xezene on May 22, 2021, 2:44 PM; accessed March 26, 2021) (backup link)