


Use this infobox for articles on holidays, festivals, celebrations, and other cultural or religious observances.

Field list[]

All fields should be understood to pertain to only the group who observe the holiday.

  • prev= What is the previous holiday for the observing group, if known
  • conc= What other holidays fall during the same time for the observing group, if known
  • next= What holiday follows this one for the observing group, if known
  • name= The name of the holiday
  • image= Infobox image that illustrates the holiday
  • observedby= Name of the group who observes the holiday
  • significance= Important features or significance of the holiday
  • celebrations= If smaller-scale celebrations take place during the holiday, list them here
  • observances = If smaller-scale observances (lower-key, and more intimate than celebrations) take place during the holiday, list them here
  • place= Location(s) where the holiday takes place
  • begin= When the holiday begins (for multi-day holidays only), if known
  • end= When the holiday ends (for multi-day holidays), if known
  • date= When the holiday is observed (for single-day holidays), if known; if the holiday is observed annually, biannually, etc. may also be noted

Usage instructions[]

Paste the following code into the top of an article, filling in all known fields:
