


Usage instructions

Paste the following code at the beginning of the article, filing all relevant fields. If a field doesn't apply, just leave it blank.


Data fields

  • image - Put the logo or emblem of the government.
  • name - The name of the government.
  • type - Put the system of government, e.g. fascist dictatorship, monarchy, democratic republic.
  • founding - Put the name of the founding document, e.g. Declaration of a New Republic
  • constitution - Put the name of the constitution, e.g. New Republic Common Charter.
  • headofstate - Put the title of the head of state, e.g. Galactic Emperor.
  • headofgov - Put the title of head of government. This may be different from the head of state, e.g. Grand Vizier of the Galactic Empire.
  • commander - Put the title of the commander-in-chief, the senior-most officer of the military.
  • executive - Put the name of the executive branch. e.g. Imperial Ruling Council.
  • legislative - Put the name of the legislative body, e.g. Imperial Senate.
  • judicial - Put the name of the judicial branch, e.g. Judicial Department
  • military - Put the name of the military branch, e.g. Republic Military.
  • sector - If the government rules one or more sectors, put the names of them here.
  • system - If the government rules one or more systems, put the names of them here.
  • planet - If the government rules one or more planet, put the names of them here.
  • moon - If the government rules one or more moons, put the names of them here.
  • capital - Put the name of the capital, e.g. Sundari.
  • language - Put the official language.
  • currency - Put the official currency, e.g. King Kikipi credits
  • religious - Put the name of the official religious body, e.g. Church of Infinite Perception.
  • holiday - Put the name of any official holidays, e.g. Empire Day.
  • anthem - Put the name of the official anthem.
  • formed - Put the organization(s) or government(s) it was formed from, e.g. the New Republic was formed from the Alliance of Free Planets.
  • established - Put the date the government was established.
  • fragmented - Put the date the government fragmented, e.g. the Galactic Empire fragmented in 4 ABY.
  • reorganized - Put the date the government was reorganized and the name of what it was reorganized into.
  • dissolved - Put the date the government was dissolved.
  • restored - Put the date the government was restored.
  • affiliation - Put any affiliations the government had to overarching organizations or governments, e.g. the Aristocracy was affiliated with the Galactic Empire.