

Template documentation follows
The template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:Databank/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)

Usage instructions

Copy the template code below, and paste it into an article's reference note or Sources section. Fill in as many parameters as you can, remove any that you don't use.


Care must be taken to avoid an incorrect link.

Required parameters

  • |entry= The URL of the page, minus https://www.starwars.com/databank/.
  • |title= The formatted text to display.
  • For archive options, see Backup links below. Note: the default values for dates are centralized at Module:ArchiveAccess/Databank. This template will use the default value when omitting archivedate or archiveurl, but either can be provided to override the default value.

Optional parameters

  • |url= the /databank/ part of the URL can be overridden using use |url=, in cases where a Databank feature such as a biography or history gallery is located on the main domain.
  • |oldversion= use |oldversion=1 when the current version of the Databank entry no longer includes the target information.
  • |quote= For including a quotation from the entry.

Backup links


{{Databank|admiral-piett|Admiral Piett}}

Results in:

StarWars-DatabankII Admiral Piett in the Databank (backup link)

Using |archivedate= to override the archive repository

{{Databank|admiral-piett|Admiral Piett|archivedate=20140807000324}}

Results in:

StarWars-DatabankII Admiral Piett in the Databank (backup link)

Using |url=

{{Databank|url=aayla-secura-biography-gallery|title=Aayla Secura Biography Gallery|archivedate=20190910060509}}

Results in:

StarWars-DatabankII Aayla Secura Biography Gallery in the Databank (backup link)