

Template documentation follows
The template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:Blog/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)


Copy the template code below and paste it into the appropriate place in an article. Fill in the required fields plus as many of the optional fields as necessary and remove any that you don't use.

Replace the "entry number" and "entry name" with the appropriate information.


Required parameters[]

  • |blogurl= URL of the web page, minus the domain name (https://blogs.starwars.com/ or https://www.starwars.com/)
  • |blogentry= ONLY REQUIRED FOR https://blogs.starwars.com ENTRIES. Remaining portion of the URL, minus the domain name and the above blogurl (https://blogs.starwars.com/<blogurl>/)
  • |text= Name of the blog post being cited.
  • |blog= Name of the author's blog being cited.
  • |author= Name of the author of the blog post being cited.
  • For archive options, see Backup links below.

Optional parameters[]

  • |listing= If linking to just the blog, use |listing=true
  • |date= Full date of publication, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, for example "date=2006-02-17".
  • |nolive= If the original online content is no longer available, use of "|nolive=1".

A backup link can be included with the |archiveurl= parameter.

Backup links[]


Standard use

{{Blog|holocron|13/comments|Major Character Birth Years|Keeper of the Holocron's Blog|Leland Chee|date=2005-09-13|archivedate=20090119212402}}

Results in:

StarWarsDotComBlogsLogoStacked "Major Character Birth Years" — Keeper of the Holocron's BlogLeland Chee's StarWars.com Blog (September 13, 2005) (backup link)

Linking to just the blog

{{Blog|listing=true|holocron|Keeper of the Holocron's Blog|Leland Chee|archivedate=20100330010640}}

Results in:

StarWarsDotComBlogsLogoStacked Keeper of the Holocron's BlogLeland Chee's StarWars.com Blog (backup link)