


Teetak was a Bonbrak who lived during the High Republic Era.[1] In 230 BBY,[2] as part of a plan to prevent the Shani singer Crufeela from performing at the Finance Ball on the planet Corellia by having her arrested for attempting to eat a member of a species classified as protected by the Galactic Republic, Teetak was bought by Jedi Padawan Ram Jomaram from a Kubaz vendor, though he believed he had purchased a barat-karabak, unaware the two were in fact the same. After purchasing Teetak, Jomaram decided to take a look at what he had bought and when he heard Teetak speak in Bonbreez, was surprised to learn he had bought a Bonbrak rather than a creature.[1]

Jomaram continued with the plan, and eventually made his way to where Crufeela was to eat Teetak. Before the singer could eat the Bonbrak, however, she was taken away by Chief Inspector Deemus Abrus of the Coronet City Chapter of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts, who worked with the local authorities to ensure species like Bonbraks were not sold on the black market. Abrus also took Teetak and considered having her sent to the Blue Peaks of the planets southern hemisphere to help repopulate the area.[1]

According to the inspector, however, Teetak would not stop talking about Jomaram and wanted to go with the Padawan, and so before Jomaram left Corellia after battling the Nihil, Abrus took Teetak to Jomaram and informed him of Teetak's desire to go with him. The Jedi agreed to take Teetak with him, and introduced her to two other Bonbraks who accompanied him, Tip and Breebak.[1]

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