


"Like I said, we've both changed. I've done more than grow weary of the Empire. I'm afraid you'd find my politics a bit strong for your taste."
―Tay Kolma[2]

Tay Kolma was a human male banker at the Bank Of Kolma on the planet Chandrila during the Imperial Era. He was an old school friend of Senator Mon Mothma and at some point made the acquaintance of her daughter Leida when she was young. Kolma had two sisters named Adrine and Marsa.[2]

In 5 BBY, Kolma attended a party hosted by Mothma and her husband Perrin Fertha at their apartment on Coruscant. During the party, Mothma admitted that she could no longer pull money from her family accounts freely. Mothma claimed that she was founding a Chandrilan charitable outreach program that she ask Kolma to be the chairman of. Though Kolma asked for more information, Mothma refused to give it, stating that he was better off not knowing. Before Kolma could inquire further, the pair were interrupted by Fertha, who wanted Mothma's help talking to some of the other guests.[2]

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Personality and traits[]

"Typical banker. No one pays me to be original."
―Tay Kolma[2]

Tay Kolma had white hair and tan skin.[2]


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