


TK-875 was a clone stormtrooper who served in the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. In 0 BBY, he was present on the Empire's Death Star battlestation when a group of Alliance to Restore the Republic operatives infiltrated the station to rescue one of its prisoners, Princess Leia Organa. Following the rescue, within the Death Star's Central Core Shaft, the Princess, along with another member of the group, Luke Skywalker, found themselves behind a blast door leading to a shaft. Skywalker had unknowingly disabled the controls to a bridge meant to extend across the shaft, and as the two were trapped on a narrow overhang, TK-875 was part of a trio of stormtroopers who exchanged blaster fire with them from a higher overhang across the shaft. Eventually, Skywalker and Organa managed to swing across the shaft with the use of a grappling hook, evading TK-875's blaster fire. The Alliance would later on destroy the Death Star over the Yavin system.


The Human[1] male[3] TK-875 was a clone[2] who served the Galactic Empire as a stormtrooper during the Galactic Civil War, a conflict between the Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic.[4] By 0 BBY,[5] he[3] was present aboard the Imperial Death Star battlestation.[4]


TK-875 failed to prevent Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker (both pictured) from escaping the Central Core Shaft.

That year,[5] the Death Star was infiltrated by a group of soon-to-be operatives of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, consisting of Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Luke Skywalker, as part of an attempt to rescue one of the Death Star's prisoners, Princess Leia Organa of the planet Alderaan. Skywalker escorted Organa to Docking Bay 327, the hangar bay that the group arrived in aboard the YT-1300 light freighter Millennium Falcon. Going through the station's corridors on the way to the hangar, the pair were spotted by a stormtrooper patrol, and were forced to take cover behind a blast door leading to the Death Star's Central Core Shaft. Attempting to prevent the stormtroopers from opening the door, Skywalker used his stolen stormtrooper E-11 blaster rifle to shoot the control panel by the door, unknowingly destroying the controls meant for a bridge to go across the chasm. As Skywalker and Organa were stuck on a narrow overhang, TK-875 was part of a trio of stormtroopers who arrived on a higher overhang across the pair, firing their E-11 blaster rifles at the Alliance operatives. Skywalker fired back, hitting one of the troopers, TK-119, who fell down the shaft. As Skywalker prepared to swing across the chasm with the grappling hook in his stolen stormtrooper utility belt, Organa exchanged fire with TK-875 and the third stormtrooper, eventually killing the latter. TK-875, the only one remaining, continued firing at the pair before they successfully swung across the shaft, evading his fire.[4]

Organa and the Alliance operatives evacuated the Death Star to their base on the moon Yavin 4. However, a tracking device was placed by the Empire on the Millennium Falcon to follow the ship to the Yavin system. The Death Star was sent to destroy the base, but the Alliance's starfighter squadrons launched a counterattack on the superweapon itself. Skywalker, piloting a T-65 X-wing starfighter, fired a pair of proton torpedoes which reached the Death Star's reactor core and detonated, obliterating the station.[4]

Personality and traits[]

TK-875 wore full stormtrooper armor and wielded an E-11 blaster rifle.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

TK-875 first appeared in 1977's Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the first film of the original trilogy. He was portrayed by an uncredited extra.[4] In 2003, he was first identified by name in a card for Wizards of the Coast's Battle of Yavin set of its Trading Card Game.[2]



Notes and references[]

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