


"TK-343 to base. Do you copy?"
"We have to get moving. There are creatures in this jungle."
"Relax. The lurca hounds keep them at bay."
"Not this far out. We need to—"
[Creature roars]
―TK-343 and another TK stormtrooper — (audio) Listen (file info)[3]

TK-343 was a TK stormtrooper in service to the Galactic Empire. Around 18 BBY, they traveled as part of a small squad to Mount Tantiss on the planet Wayland; however, their shuttle was hit by lightning on final approach and crashed in the jungle outside the perimeter of the Imperial base. TK-343 then contacted the base via comlink and requested backup, but none was sent, and the trooper was killed by a creature of the jungle.


An Imperial technician: "Sir, the vessel crashed in sector four. Should I send a recovery team?"
Hemlock: "Negative."
TK-343, over comms: "Over there!" [screams]
Hemlock: "If they're past the perimeter, then they're as good as dead."
―An Imperial technician is told not send aid for TK-343's squad by Doctor Royce Hemlock — (audio) Listen (file info)[3]

TK-343's (center) shuttle crashed in sector four on Wayland.

TK-343 was the designation of a TK stormtrooper who served in the Stormtrooper Corps of the Galactic Empire.[3] Around 18 BBY,[1] they traveled as part of a small three-person squad on board the Nu-class attack/transport shuttle designated Shuttle 135 to the secret Imperial facility at Mount Tantiss on the planet Wayland. However, during the shuttle's final approach toward the mountain, it was struck by lightning during a storm, which left its systems unresponsive.[3]

Unable to restore power to the ship, Shuttle 135's pilot warned TK-343 and the other passengers who stood in the shuttle's hold that they were going to crash. The vessel hit the ground in the jungle of sector four outside the perimeter of Mount Tantiss, but TK-343 and the other troopers survived the impact and staggered out of the vehicle after the pilot lowered the shuttle's ramp. Joined on the ground by the pilot, TK-343 then tried to establish contact with Mount Tantiss via comlink before another trooper suggested they move quickly, as the jungle was inhabited by dangerous creatures,[3] such as the dryax.[4] TK-343 dismissed the threat, replying that Mount Tantiss's lurca hounds kept the threats at bay, but as the other trooper explained that the hounds were not effective this far from the base, the group was interrupted by a growl from the treeline.[3]


TK-343's squad fell victim to the perils of Wayland's jungles.

As the squad aimed their DC-15A blaster carbines in the direction of the noise, TK-343 contacted Mount Tantiss again and requested backup. The squad was then attacked by a creature, which they opened fire upon. At the base, Doctor Royce Hemlock listened to the sounds of the lost squad's blaster fire and TK-343's screams and ordered an Imperial technician not to send a recovery team, as the troopers were already as good as dead if they were beyond the perimeter. The jungle creature then killed TK-343 and the shuttle's other occupants. Days later, Hemlock mentioned the fate of TK-343's squad to the clone Omega to demonstrate the dangers of Wayland's jungles.[3]


"TK-343 to base. Send backup!"
"What's that?"
―TK-343 and another TK stormtrooper over comlink — (audio) Listen (file info)[3]

TK-343 wore white TK stormtrooper armor and used a DC-15A blaster carbine and a comlink.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

TK-343 was voiced by Jimmi Simpson in "Confined,"[3] the first episode of the third season of the animated television series Star Wars: The Bad Batch, which aired on Disney+ on February 21, 2024.[5]


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