

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

Storm Commandos were the special forces of the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps and trained to deal with extreme combat situations. They were equipped with Black scout trooper armor and carried E-11 medium blaster rifles. The specialized stormtroopers were also known to utilize any weapons they like if permitted to do so by their Commander, the Commander will decide this according to the nature of their mission. Some Storm Commandos were members of the elite 501st Legion, Darth Vader's personal stormtrooper legion.[1] Storm Commandos could be organized into a company.[2]

General Weir wore Storm Commando armor.[3] At one point, Colonel Sadao Emtri of the Imperial Security Bureau deployed an Imperial-class Star Destroyer and Storm Commandos during a fake combat tournament in the Nouane sector, actually a trap laid by the Empire to capture suspected Force-sensitives.[4]

Behind the scenes[]


Star Wars: Galactic Defense marked the Storm Commandos first appearance in the current canon.

In the current Star Wars canon, Storm Commandos first appeared Star Wars: Galactic Defense, a tower defense game developed by DeNA Co., Ltd.[1] which was released in 2014[5] and shut down in 2016.[6] In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the commandos were first introduced in Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi, a 1990 Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement written by Michael Stern and released by West End Games.[7]

In Galactic Defense, Storm Commandos were a type of enemy unit in the "Light Side" missions, appearing in original trilogy–themed[8] levels recreating the Galactic Civil War Battle of Tatooine,[9] which took place in 0 BBY.[10] In these levels, players utilized defense towers and rebel forces, such as Honor Guards, to defend against waves of Imperial units;[9] successfully destroying a Storm Commando awarded the player with "Scrap," a point standard used to upgrade or purchase towers.[1] While Galactic Defense was canon, its actual gameplay was not; consequently, the presence of Storm Commandos on[11] the planet[10] Tatooine is considered non-canon.[11]


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Notes and references[]

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