

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

"The Stennes homeworld of Stennaros is a world pock-marked with artillery craters, and the scars of years of persecution."
―Imperial sentientologist Obo Rin's findings on Stennaros being recorded in his Catalog of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy[2]

Stennaros was a planet in the Stennaros system, within the Expansion Region's Har Worlds sector. The homeworld of the Near-Human Stennes species and its Force-sensitive, shape-shifting Stennes Shifter offshoots, millennia of both species' persecution led to Stennaros being pock-marked with artillery craters and otherwise scarred. With prejudices against the Stennes Shifters leading to many members of both species being killed, the baseline Stennes were a closed xenophobic society, albeit being socially and culturally advanced within their own system. The Stennes further persecuted their Shifter offshoots, resulting in the latter being a homeless species not welcome on their own planet, with the considerably reduced Shifter population attempting to blend in or assimilate with their baseline species.


Stennaros was a planet[2] located in the Stennaros system, within the Har Worlds sector of the Expansion Region.[1]


"As civilization spread through the Stennes sector, we either became prized commodities, or hunted. That is the way with humans, near or otherwise. But we are not easy prey. How can you hunt what you cannot see? Or rather, how can you hunt what you cannot help but not see?"
―Trinto Duaba talking about his species' history of persecution within their planet's sector[2]

Stennaros was the homeworld of the Near-Human Stennes species along with their Force-sensitive shape-shifting offshoot, the Stennes Shifters. The planet in time became pock-marked with artillery craters and scarred from years of persecution against its inhabitants.[2]


"These are more closely related to humanity than some of the more bigoted members would like to find out."
―Obo Rin discussing the Near-Human nature of certain shape-shifting species, including Stennaros's Stennes Shifters[2]

Trinto Duaba was a Stennes Shifter, a species native to Stennaros.

The Stennes and Stennes Shifters were native to Stennaros. With the Stennes Shifters being subject to other species' fear and prejudice, millennia of persecution led to many of the baseline Stennes being killed. At one point, Jedi Knights of the Galactic Republic, who had recognized the Stennes Shifters being a threat, fought the species and killed enough to significantly reduce its population. As a result of persecution affecting both them and their Shifter offshoots, the baseline Stennes were xenophobic and avoided contact with the outside world, although they were socially and culturally advanced within their own closed system.[2]

Baseline Stennes further persecuted their Shifter offshoots, resulting in the latter becoming a homeless species not even welcome on its own homeworld. The few remaining Shifters would avoid exposing themselves, posing as normal Stennes and only using their powers when necessary. The Shifters who could not assimilate would blend into crowds and work as thieves, spies, or informants.[2]

At a certain point, the Stennes Shifter Trinto Duaba discussed[2] his[3] species and its homeworld with Shi'ido Senior Anthropologist Vandolae. During the Galactic Civil War, around five thousand years after the Jedi Knights' attack on the Stennes Shifter species, the Galactic Empire's sentientologist Obo Rin obtained the information about Stennaros and its Stennes and Stennes Shifter species from Vandolae, which Rin published in his Catalog of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Stennaros was introduced in the roleplaying game source article "Shape-shifters," written by Pablo Hidalgo for February 1997's twelfth issue of West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal magazine.[2] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Stennaros system, and therefore Stennaros, in grid square K-16.[4]

Although "Shape-shifters" placed Stennaros in the Stennes sector,[2] Jason Fry, co-author of The Essential Atlas, later stated that Lucasfilm had requested the omission of that name from the StarWars.com Online Companion to The Essential Atlas in order to avoid confusion with the Stenness Node,[5] a group of mining star systems.[6] Instead, the Online Companion placed the Stennaros system, and therefore Stennaros, in the Har Worlds sector.[1]


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