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"Senator Organa… the Supreme Chancellor requests your presence at a special session of Congress."
Mas Amedda, to Bail Organa[1]

The Galactic Republic's final special session of Congress served to announce the birth of the First Galactic Empire.

In both Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire, a special session of Congress,[1] also known as a special session of the senate, was a period when the Galactic Senate—and the Imperial Senate—convened outside of the normal legislative session by order of the Supreme Chancellor or Galactic Emperor.[2]


During one such session, attendance was mandatory for every senator, and the Senate's Vice Chair was tasked with convoking them. This special session of Congress convened at the very end of the Clone Wars, after Chancellor Sheev Palpatine survived the so-called Jedi rebellion and announced the establishment of the first Galactic Empire.[1]


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