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Shimia was a planet of grass-covered plains, mountains, and seas located in the Outer Rim Territories' Dalchon sector. It was the homeworld of the Pacithhip species, the society of which was ruled by a caste system. Situated near the Corellian Run super-hyperroute, Shimia had become a part of the Galactic Republic by 17,000 BBY, with the Republic establishing spaceports there. The Galactic Empire subsequently subjugated the planet but largely left it alone, and the Pacithhips took over the Imperial facilities and began importing standard galactic technology after the Battle of Endor.


Shimia was a terrestrial planet[4] located in the Shimia system, a part of the Dalchon sector[1] in the Trailing Sectors portion of[2] the Outer Rim Territories.[1] Between approximately 17,000 BBY and 11,000 BBY, Shimia served as the endpoint of the super-hyperroute known as the Corellian Run. The hyperlane linked the planet to the Geonosis system.[3] At some point by 4000 BBY, the Corellian Run had shifted its course such that Shimia was no longer a part of it,[6] although the planet remained situated near the hyperspace route. The surface of the temperate Shimia featured grass-covered plains bordered by mountain ranges that plunged into the planet's[4] multiple seas.[5]


Shimia was located in an area of space that was explored between 20,000 BBY and 15,000 BBY.[2] The world was a part of the Galactic Republic by 17,000 BBY. Around that time, which saw the beginning of a series of conflicts between the planet Alsakan; the Republic's capital world, Coruscant; and their respective allies, Shimia was situated in the Exploitation Region, which was a territory actively controlled by the Grand Companies—Coruscant-affiliated trading conglomerates based along the Core Worlds hyperlane known as the Spin.[3] The Republic eventually constructed several spaceports on Shimia,[7] and members of[8] the planet's native[4] Pacithhip species had begun to travel offworld[8] by 1000 BBY.[9]


Shimia was home to the sentient Pacithhip species.

By the time scouts of the Galactic Empire arrived on Shimia, the Pacithhips had just mastered the use of fossil fuels and precision machinery and had not yet developed either fusion power or repulsorlift or hyperdrive technology. The Empire easily subjugated the planet[4] and continued to maintain its spaceports. However, the Pacithhips had little of interest to offer to that government, so its officials and soldiers rarely left those facilities. Although the Empire discouraged the natives of Shimia from leaving the planet, the practice was not forbidden, and Pacithhip who wished to experience a more advanced life in the wider galaxy occasionally stowed away on various transport starships.[7]

Following the Battle of Endor[4] of 4 ABY that began a process of fragmentation in the Empire,[10] the Pacithhips took over the facilities on Shimia that the Imperials had abandoned and began importing standard galactic technology. Shortly after the formation of the New Republic[4] that year,[10] Pacithhips were already a common sight throughout the galaxy.[4] At some point no earlier than 36 ABY, Shimia was mentioned in a guide to various species of the galaxy that was based on the research notes of sentientologist Mammon Hoole.[5]


Shimia was the homeworld of the Pacithhips, a species of sentient pachydermoid, members of which spoke the Shimiese language.[4] Around 25 ABY, the population of the Shimia system numbered between ten and one hundred million.[2] The Pacithhip society was ruled by a system of castes, with the shape of a Pacithhip's tusks at the point of reaching adulthood determining whether they would belong to the scholar, warrior, or farmer caste. Those Pacithhips who were not satisfied with the caste system eagerly left Shimia to settle elsewhere, a practice that was largely tolerated by the mainstream Pacithhip society.[4] In order to more easily fit into the galaxy, which was dominated by humanoid beings, the short-legged Pacithhips traveling offworld frequently used mechanical stilts.[11]

Behind the scenes[]

Shimia was introduced in the 1998 sourcebook Alien Encounters, which was published by West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[7] The planet was given its first visual depiction in the 2006 reference book The New Essential Guide to Alien Species, which was written by Ann Margaret Lewis and Helen Keier and illustrated by Chris Trevas and William O'Connor.[5] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Shimia system, and therefore the planet, in grid square R-17.[2]



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