


"Gar Stazi still lives. You have failed to do my Master's bidding."
―Darth Azard, to Admiral Sha Dun[1]

Sha Dun was a Kel Dor who held the rank of admiral in the Imperial Navy during the Second Imperial Civil War—the insurrection against the Sith-controlled Empire led by Emperor-in-exile Roan Fel. By 137 ABY, Galactic Emperor Darth Krayt had selected Dun to lead the Imperial Outer Rim Third Fleet, which was tasked with destroying the unified fragments of the Galactic Alliance military as well capturing the commander of the Alliance Core Fleet, Admiral Gar Stazi. Despite many minor victories, Dun failed to stop Stazi's attacks. Darth Azard, the Sith Lord who oversaw the fleet, executed Dun for the failure.


"Admiral Sha Dun, you were charged by our Master, His Majesty Darth Krayt, with ending the attacks by the renegade Gar Stazi. But Gar Stazi still lives."
―Darth Azard, to Admiral Dun[1]

Darth Azard chokes Dun with the Force.

The Kel Dor Sha Dun served in the Imperial Navy with the rank of Admiral in the time of deposed Emperor-in-exile Roan Fel's insurgency against the Sith-controlled Empire. Galactic Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt placed Dun in charge of the Imperial Outer Rim Third Fleet, which was overseen by Quarren Sith Lord Darth Azard. In 137 ABY, the Outer Rim Third Fleet had been charged with capturing the fugitive commander of the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet, Admiral Gar Stazi, as well as destroying the unified fragments of the Alliance military, dubbed the Galactic Alliance Remnant.[1]

Despite many minor victories, Dun failed to stop Gar Stazi's attacks. On the command deck of the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer Relentless, Lord Azard executed Dun for the failure, lifting and choking the Kel Dor with the Force, before cutting the admiral down with his double-bladed lightsaber.[1]

Azard replaced Dun with the Humanocentric Admiral Dru Valan, who had already faced Stazi during the Battle of Caamas, the last major battle between the new Galactic Empire and the Galactic Alliance in the Sith–Imperial War, seven years previously. The Sith warned Valan not to underestimate Stazi and fail him as Dun had.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"We have come close several times, Darth Azard, and even captured or destroyed some of his ships."
―Admiral Sha Dun[1]

An able military commander, Sha Dun was selected by Darth Krayt to lead the Imperial Outer Rim Third Fleet against the skilled Admiral Gar Stazi. Although unable to defeat Stazi, Dun was able to score many minor victories and even captured and destroyed a number of Stazi's ships. Dun had white eyes and orange skin.[1]


As a Kel Dor, it was necessary for Dun to wear an antiox breath mask[1] for protection from carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oxygen, which were fatal to members of that species.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Sha Dun appeared in the twentieth issue of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series, Indomitable, Part 1, released in February 2008. The issue was written by John Ostrander and penciled by Omar Francia.[1]


Notes and references[]
