


Serin was a Twi'lek female who was a member of the nascent Free Ryloth Movement shortly after the formation of the Galactic Empire. She, Gobi Glie and Hera Syndulla were captured by Imperial forces led by Vice Admiral Rampart after being tracked on a run to collect weapons the rebel group had purchased, prompting Cham and Eleni Syndulla to mount a rescue mission.[1] However, she and the others were recaptured by the Empire shortly after, although they were eventually rescued by Clone Force 99.[2]

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Personality and traits[]

A female Twi'lek, Serin had yellow skin and light-blue eyes.[1] It was serious and firm in the face of imperial capture and confrontation.

Skills and abilities[]

She was a capable starship pilot and guerrilla fighter, being able to defend herself in close combat and fire blasters.

Behind the scenes[]

Serin first appeared in "Devil's Deal" the eleventh episode of the Disney+ animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Was voiced by VyVy Nguyen.



Notes and references[]
