


"I wasn't a good woman before I joined the Rebel Alliance. I've tried to be a good leader, and I will stave off defeat so long as I have breath. But do not mourn me if I fall."

Rununja was a Duros female who held the callsign Riot Leader in the New Republic's Riot Squadron.[2]


During the Imperial Era, Rununja joined the Rebel Alliance and became a pilot. At one point, she flew under General Jan Dodonna. Eventually, she became the leader of Riot Squadron. After the Battle of Endor, Rununja led her squadron during the Attack on the Hellion's Dare. Riot Squadron and the A/SF-01 B-wing starfighters of Hound Squadron accompanied the Hellion's Dare into the Oridol Cluster to attempt to escape from their pursuers, the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. As the two squadrons were gradually destroyed, Rununja became the leader of the new Riot Squadron, consisting of the survivors of both squadrons. Rununja led the new squadron to attack the 204th's Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier, and while they succeeded in crippling the vessel, they returned to find their own ship heavily damaged. Rununja and the others guarded the ship so they could make repairs while the Imperials did the same, and when the 204th returned to attack, Rununja was killed.[2]

Personality and traits[]

Rununja was a leader who saw the value in letting her squadron have fun when off duty, allowing her squadron to play games, tell stories, and play and bet on Sabacc. She encouraged celebrating their victories and taking time to mourn the deaths of their friends. Chass na Chadic described Rununja as a cult leader without the charisma.[2]

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Notes and references[]
