

For other uses, see Rhee (disambiguation).

"I know that you'll be safe with your Aunt Rhee and Aunt Eron. They helped our family escape from the Empire, and they introduced me to the rebels. I don't have time to tell you that part of the story, but you can ask them to tell it to you, when you're ready to know. They love you very much, and they're going to take you to a planet called Alderaan, which is far away from any fighting."
―Ryland, recording a message for Laina[1]

Rhee was a female individual who lived during the Imperial Era. Around 2 BBY, they and their female partner Eron became aunts to the child Laina following her birth to the civilians Ryland and Fiona. In 1 BBY, Rhee and Eron became mothers after they took Laina into their care, as Ryland—who was now serving in the Rebel Alliance—wished for her to grow up somewhere safe.



Rhee intended to live with Laina on Alderaan (pictured), hoping it would be safe to reside there.

The woman Rhee lived during the Imperial Era and maintained an affiliation with the Rebel Alliance. They and the woman Eron,[1] their partner,[2] became aunts to the child Laina upon her birth to the civilians Ryland and Fiona[1] around 2 BBY. That year,[3] Rhee and Eron helped Laina and Ryland escape from a mining colony on an Outer Rim moon after the Imperial officer Duggan killed Fiona. Afterward, Ryland joined the Rebel Alliance after being introduced to the organization by the couple.[1]

While residing in an Alliance military base on[1] the moon[4] Yavin 4[1] in 1 BBY,[3] Ryland asked Eron and Rhee to take Laina into their care to grow up somewhere safer. The pair agreed, intending to live with the young girl on the planet Alderaan. The night of Laina's departure, Ryland recorded a message for his daughter to view when she was older, promising the child that she would be well-loved and cherished by her aunts and that they would tell her more about her origins someday. Laina boarded the transport Echo Delta One to leave Yavin not long after, intending to meet Rhee and Eron at her new home.[1] However, within days, Alderaan was annihilated by the Galactic Empire's Death Star battle station.[4]

Personality and traits[]

During the Galactic Civil War, Rhee opted to align with the Rebel Alliance and helped introduce Ryland to the organization. They cared deeply for their niece, Laina, and were willing to raise her at Ryland's request alongside Eron,[1] their cherished partner.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

"They were written to be a couple. Where I come from, "Auntie" and "Uncle" don't necessarily reflect blood relations, and more frequently reflect relationships. Laina's aunts love each other, and her, very much."
―Wil Wheaton, about Rhee and Eron's relationship[2]

Rhee was mentioned in "Laina," a short story written for the 2017 From a Certain Point of View anthology collection that was authored by Wil Wheaton.[1] Wheaton confirmed Rhee and Eron were in a relationship in a Tumblr post, indicating his authorial intent for the aunts to be written as a couple.[2]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 "Laina" — From a Certain Point of View
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Tumblr-Logo wilwheaton — Rhee and Eron's relationship on Tumblr (November 3, 2023): "They were written to be a couple. Where I come from, "Auntie" and "Uncle" don't necessarily reflect blood relations, and more frequently reflect relationships. Laina's aunts love each other, and her, very much." (backup link)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The events of "Laina" occur in the days prior to the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, placing the story in 1 BBY per Star Wars: Timelines. As Ryland and Laina's escape from the moon took place roughly a year and a half prior to the short story, the escape must have been around 2 BBY. As Laina is nearly two years old during the story's events, her birth can also be dated to around 2 BBY.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
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