

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
"I can't remember the last time I was in a refresher."
"[Rey points to a set of doors] Fully functional."
"You serious?"
"No water, but the sonics work."
Devi and Rey[1]

Cassian Andor in the refresher on Niamos.

A refresher,[1] also known as a lavatory,[2] a bathroom,[3] a restroom,[4] a privy,[5] or, colloquially, a fresher,[6] was a room designed for personal hygiene. They could be found in numerous locations, such as Imperial academies[7] or starships such as the 690 light freighter. Some restrooms contained sonics, which could be used in the absence of water.[1] Certain refresher units were capable of turning the wastes into compost.[6] At the Resistance base on D'Qar, there were rows of refreshers, each with a symbol of a drop of water on its door.[8] According to Finn, a former First Order stormtrooper, there were 1,822 bathrooms on a First Order Star Destroyer.[9] Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine's office had a private refresher.[6]

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Non-canon appearances[]


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