

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

«Ah. Red Six. Tough call sign. We lost a Red Six at the first Death Star battle, too. Jek Porkins, and R5-D8.»
R2-D2, to BB-8[3]

Red Six was a callsign of the sixth pilot in Red Squadron. Jek Tono Porkins used this callsign during the Battle of Scarif, with Derek Klivian serving as standby.[4] Wes Janson had this callsign before the Battle of Yavin.[5] Red Six Jek Tono Porkins was shot down during the Battle of Yavin.[1] Ix Ixstra used the callsign in an attack on an asteroid mining station, in which she perished.[5] A Resistance pilot used it during the the Battle of Starkiller Base.[2]

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In other languages

Red Squadron
Red Leader Red Two Red Three Red Four
Red Five Red Six Red Seven Red Eight
Red Nine Red Ten Red Eleven Red Twelve
Red Thirteen Red Fourteen Red Fifteen Red 16