


"The compound is heavily fortified."
"But there's a weak point in the rail line that we can exploit."
Hunter and Echo[1]

The Raven's Peak Sky Rail was a series of fast-moving sky rails suspended from rail lines[2] on the planet Eriadu.[1] It was used during the Imperial Era to access Raven's Peak, an elite fortified compound belonging to Wilhuff Tarkin.[3] The sky rails of the Raven's Peak Rail Line consisted of two crate-shaped cars on parallel tracks, which shuffled troops back and forth.[2] Around 18 BBY,[4] Clone Force 99 infiltrated Raven's Peak through the sky rail, after disabling its sensor.[1]


The Raven's Peak sky rail consisted of a network of fast-moving twin-car sky trains[2] that moved along two reinforced rail lines suspended from the mountains around the Raven's Peak fortress on the planet Eriadu. The trains were connected to the track via a complex assembly of powered interlocking gears that rotated,[1] thus moving the trains along the sky line.[2] A number of maintenance stations were located on the sky line's support pylons to allow for easy access to the line's computer.[1]

The rail line began on a small base station facility on the lower hills of the mountain, where two observation posts were also located overlooking the valley below. From there, the line was mostly suspended on the air until it reached a station in the hangar level of the fortress itself, although in some spots it came close to nearby mountaintops. These parts of the line were equipped with military-grade perimeter sensors that were able to detect organic movement nearby in order to deter potential hijackers.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Raven's Peak Sky Rail first appeared in the fifteenth episode of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars: The Bad Batch, "The Summit." It later appeared in the sixteenth and final episode of the season, "Plan 99." Both episodes premiered on Disney+ on March 29, 2023.[1][3]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "The Summit"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 StarWars-DatabankII Raven's Peak Sky Rail in the Databank (backup link)
  3. 3.0 3.1 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Plan 99"
  4. Per the reasoning here, the seventh and eighth episodes of The Bad Batch Season 2, "The Clone Conspiracy" and "Truth and Consequences," can be placed in 18 BBY. Therefore, all Season 2 episodes proceeding "The Clone Conspiracy" occur between 19 BBY, which features the end of The Bad Batch Season 1 according to Star Wars: Timelines, and 18 BBY. The Galactic Empire, the formation of which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 19 BBY, sent Mayday's squad to Barton IV over a year prior to the events of the twelfth episode, "The Outpost." As it occurs over a year into the Imperial Era and is set shortly after the events of "Truth and Consequences," the events of "The Outpost" occur around 18 BBY. Following that logic, the ninth through eleventh episodes ("The Crossing" through "Metamorphosis") are also set around 18 BBY because they occur between the events of "Truth and Consequences" and "The Outpost." Finally, all season 2 episodes set after "The Outpost" occur shortly after its events, thereby placing those episodes around 18 BBY as well.
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