

This article is about the Twi'lek. You may be looking for the Poletec chief Qin Yazal.

"Funny, the man who left me behind is now my savior. Mando."
―Qin to Din Djarin[2]

Qin,[2] designated prisoner X-6-9-11 after being arrested by the New Republic,[4] was a Twi'lek male mercenary from Ryloth and the twin brother of Xi'an.[1] Qin was imprisoned aboard the New Republic transport Bothan-5, after the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin left him behind on a mission.[5] Qin's associate Ranzar "Ran" Malk sent a crew of mercenaries to rescue him, which included Xi'an, Burg, Migs Mayfeld, and Djarin. The team betrayed Djarin and left him for dead, but the bounty hunter escaped and imprisoned the mercenaries in one of the transport's prison cells. Djarin returned Qin to Ran, but had hidden a New Republic tracker in the Twi'lek's clothing. The tracker, which had been set off when the mercenaries infiltrated the transport, led a New Republic squadron to the space station, the Roost, where Ran operated. The squadron fired on the station, forcing Qin to take cover.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Qin first appeared in Chapter 6 of the 2019 television show The Mandalorian,[2] which aired on December 13, 2019,[6] and was portrayed by Ismael Cruz Cordova.[2] The character was named Merc Tyler during pre-production.[7] Concept artist Brian Matyas, who designed the character, wanted to contrast the creepy and decrepit majordomo Bib Fortuna with a more fit and tough Twi'lek, while retaining the two forehead lumps often found on males of the species.[8]

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Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]
